> >Louis, that's an interesting article, but is there any evidence that Hoxha
> >actively sought to subvert Yugoslavia by arming ethnic Albanian Kosovars,
> >propagandizing them, etc.? And did Tito and his successors respond in any
> >way? 
> I'll tell you the truth. I've been digging through the history of this
> Kosovo question through the 1980s pretty thoroughly and I have found no
> reference to this whatsoever. The only accusation that's been made is that
> Berisha, Hoxha's successor, armed the KLA. There is strong circumstantial
> evidence for this, but no smoking gun.
> Louis Proyect

I posted message about above some weeks ago...I'm away from my materials
but will try to remember to check source later...

in the early 1980s, separatist Albanian Kosovars received support - 
including direct interventions - from Albania which used discontent 
in the region to discredit Yugoslavian economic and political
innovations (nowhere in Europe were such far-ranging concessions to 
nationalist rights granted in a region considered so potentially 
separatist and Kosovo, as the poorest area with the highest 
unemployment rate, received disproportionate investment and 
assistance)...  Michael Hoover 

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