In the review below, notice how Clinton's strategy resembles Hitler's.
Does anybody know anything about Kaldor's Blitzkrieg economics?


Published by [EMAIL PROTECTED] and EH.Net (May 1999)

Neil Gregor.  _Daimler-Benz in the Third Reich_.  New Haven: Yale, 1998.

xii + 276 pp.  Bibliography, and index.  $30.00 (cloth), ISBN

Reviewed for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and EH.NET by Alfred C. Mierzejewski,
Athens State University.

Neil Gregor has written the best history to date of Daimler-Benz (DBAG)
under the Nazi regime. It is an interesting work with much informative
detail. Gregor did extensive research in the Mercedes-Benz archive and
public repositories such as the Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv) in
and the Central Office of the State Justice Administrations (Zentrale
Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen) in Ludwigsburg. He consulted the
sources and bases his work overwhelmingly on the personal papers of
Kissel and Wilhelm Haspel, the men who lead the management board of the
company during the Nazi years. The conclusions that Gregor reaches are
credible. However, his analysis is not without weaknesses.

Gregor's major finding is that Daimler-Benz pursued its own corporate
self-interest throughout the period of Nazi rule. He shows clearly that,

except for the period from the failure of Operation Barbarossa (the Nazi

invasion of the Soviet Union) in December 1941, to the defeat at
in February 1943, the company consistently anticipated a short war.
Consequently, it attempted to retain a core of consumer products to
facilitate the transition to a peacetime economy. It struggled to
production of passenger automobiles even after the war began so as to
maintain the production lines devoted to them. It especially fought to
protect its cadre of skilled workers who were needed to produce cars at
level of quality that management thought necessary to preserve the aura
the Mercedes-Benz name. When the company consented to build the three
Opel Blitz truck in 1944, it did so to position itself for the post-war
market. Already, the management of DBAG expected that the war would be
in the foreseeable future and that Germany would lose. It anticipated a
large market for trucks due to the need to rebuild Germany's heavily
cities. It also agreed to build the product of one of its competitors in

order to learn about Opel's manufacturing procedures.

Gregor demonstrates that DBAG was reluctant to invest in additional
to fill military contracts due to its fear of being left with excess
capacity after the end of the war. He contends that the company used
including slave labor, as a substitute for capital investment. This
the burden on its balance sheet and lead to the barbaric exploitation of

its employees, especially those from Eastern Europe who worked for the
company against their will. Put differently, Daimler-Benz used slave
only to survive in the short-term. It could rid itself of these laborers

easily after the war and it could use them to produce military aircraft
engines and other war related products while conserving its skilled
workforce, concentrated in its plants in western Germany, for the
resumption of peacetime production. Gregor demonstrates that the failure
the German armed forces before Moscow in December 1941 marked an
in the brutalization of DBAG's workers. At this point, the company
concluded that a long war was in the offing and resolved to increase
military output, without, however, burdening itself with capital that
be superfluous to peacetime needs. It increased output by driving its
employees harder and demanding more foreigners and slaves from the
government. Gregor is careful to point out that the influx of foreigners

did not alter the company's basic reliance on skilled labor. As a
to this, Gregor shows that Daimler-Benz never developed a strategy for
seizing factories in the areas conquered by the Wehrmacht. Rather, it
interested in the skilled labor available from its competitors in
France and took responsibility for factories in Austria and the East, in

large measure, to keep them out of the hands of competitors like BMW. In

short, the DBAG was not a co-conspirator in a grand imperialist

In his introduction, Gregor raises a number of issues that he hopes to
illuminate by looking at Daimler-Benz during the war. He attempts to
light on why the West German economy recovered so strongly after the
He deprecates the Zero Hour (Stunde Null) myth, contending that the same

companies that dominated German manufacturing before the war dominated
afterwards. He claims that Daimler-Benz came out of the war with
comparatively little damage. Consequently, it was well positioned to
operations in the peacetime market. Based on his description of the
rationalization of production processes during the 1920's and again
the 1930's, combined with the additional changes required by the war, he

concludes that the rapid post-war recovery was due to these earlier
advances, not to a post-war miracle. The key, for Gregor, was
As far as he goes, Gregor is correct. Yet, the recovery of the post-war
West German economy was the result of other factors as well, some of
much more important than the improvements that he discusses. Shortly
the war, Ludwig Erhard realized that the obstacle confronting the west
German economy was not so much a lack of goods or the means to produce
them, as an excess of government regulation and the threat of the
destruction of the surviving production apparatus by the Allies seeking
reparations. It can be argued that the single most important factor in
West German recovery, and the factor that distinguished events in the
from what happened in the east, was Erhard's almost complete abolition
state restrictions (Zwangswirtschaft) on domestic economic activity in
1948. Without this step, no managerial or technological advances would
sufficed to restore West Germany to prosperity.

Gregor also addresses the modernization debate triggered by Rainer
Zittelmann. Zittelmann contends that modernization is a value free
Therefore, it is conceivable that even the Nazis, however loathsome
policies may have been, contributed to the modernization of German
Gregor rejects this claim. He demonstrates that Nazi policies did not
assist the modernization of German industry with a detailed discussion
DBAG's introduction of new machines and new management techniques. He
correctly points out that these changes conformed to pan-European
He especially emphasizes how the war accelerated the change in the way
Daimler-Benz compensated its employees. The company shifted from a
oriented system that took into account the worker's family status and
to one based on pay for production. While Gregor implicitly criticizes
trend on moral grounds, he does show that management sought to conform
closely to market signals in valuing the output of its workforce. In the

opinion of this reviewer, the entire discussion of the modernization
could have been omitted. Clearly, Zittelmann and the other German
who have followed him have missed the point. Modernization is a culture
bound concept with no universal meaning. From an economic standpoint,
produces the largest volume of goods demanded by consumers at the least
cost is the best. The machines that equip factories, contrary to the
fantasies of many German engineers, need not be the newest. The standard
measurement is the satisfaction of consumer wants, not an arbitrary
definition of modernity.

Gregor also discusses the issue of Blitzkrieg economics. This concept,
developed by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Nicholas
one of its members, and Alan Milward, holds that low German armaments
production before February 1942 was due to a lack of demand on the part
the Wehrmacht. According to this interpretation, Hitler planned a series
short, sharp wars that would conquer economically valuable areas in
while placing little burden on the German population. Hitler allegedly
based this strategy on the mistaken belief that Germany had lost World
I due to a failure of morale among the German civilian population, the
"stab in the back." Gregor rejects the Blitzkrieg economics
and the notion that the economic history of Germany during World War II
be conveniently divided into two halves: one before and one after Albert

Speer. Instead he agrees with Rolf-Dieter Mueller, that the low
of the early war years was the result of bureaucratic confusion on the
of the German military. He notes that the expansion of armaments
began before Speer was appointed minister of armaments and munitions. He

also contends that overall economic reform, the elimination of confusion

caused by the military, was more important in increasing production than

changes on the shop floor. He agrees with Richard Overy that Hitler
for a big long war.

Why Gregor addressed this problem is not clear. The Blitzkrieg economics

debate was settled over a decade ago. Milward has abandoned his earlier
position and, ironically, Mueller and other authors, including this
reviewer, have shown the serious flaws in Overy's alternative
It is clear from an examination of the relevant German documents that
Hitler planned a big short war, fully in the tradition of Frederick the
Great, Moltke the Elder and Schlieffen. In addition, Gregor presents no
evidence to show that reform of the government economic administration
more important than changes to production processes in improving
efficiency. Here Overy and this reviewer, using evidence from the United

States Strategic Bombing Survey and other sources, demonstrate that
efficiency gains on the factory floor were very significant. Gregor is
safer ground when he contends that bureaucratic political competition
replaced the market in steering the Nazi economy. This reviewer's own
research concerning the German National Railway confirms his finding.
Indeed, if one takes a market oriented approach, rather than Gregor's
Marxist one, one would not be surprised that Daimler-Benz pursued its
interests even in this changed environment. This is precisely what both
neoclassical and Austrian theory would have us anticipate.

Gregor also makes a series of claims concerning the company's policies
towards its workers that are equally difficult to accept. He contends
DBAG's rationalization of production methods was primarily a social
effort intended to prevent conflict during the 1920's, when, as he puts
"capitalism was becoming increasingly crisis-prone." However, if viewed
from a different perspective, the Depression in Germany, to which he
alludes, could just as easily be seen as the crisis of a heavily
partially socialized economy in which the market already played a
role. Daimler-Benz's rationalization measures could be seen simply as
efforts to reduce operating costs in the face of government mandated pay

increases and serious competition in the automobile market. Gregor
the fact that the company took advantage of the Depression to reduce
Yet, if viewed from a market perspective, it could also be contended
this was precisely what management should have done since the workers'
remuneration was excessive in comparison to the value that they added to

the company's products. Gregor goes further and contends that all of the

productivity gains registered both between the wars and during the war
at the expense of the worker. He offers no detailed economic analysis to

support this claim. At the same time, he ignores the very serious
made by Knut Borchardt that industrial wages in Germany were too high
during the 1920's, hurting German competitiveness and weakening
finances. Unintentionally, by showing how Daimler-Benz reacted to the
challenge of the Depression and the war, Gregor provides evidence that
Ludwig von Mises's theory of how companies react to market signals is
correct. The analysis provided by Gregor also lends credence to the
argument that the Third Reich was not the product of a capitalist

Surprisingly, in light of his discussion of historiographical issues in
introduction, Gregor overlooks literature that is directly relevant to
thesis. In the latter part of his book, he repeatedly discusses the
of Allied bombing on Daimler-Benz and the more general effects of the
offensive. He concludes that the impact of Allied bombing was limited.
However, he states that it did have an important effect on the attitudes
the DBAG's management and that production was hampered by transportation

difficulties. He makes the latter statements without having consulted
relevant literature, most especially the report on the transportation
bombing produced by the US Strategic Bombing Survey and this reviewer's
1988 study. Had he consulted these works, Gregor would have gained a
clearer picture of how production could have declined so dramatically
without the loss of many machine tools. The dispersal that he discusses
great detail actually made Daimler-Benz and German industry in general
more vulnerable to the disruption of transportation by bombing.

More importantly, Gregor does not discuss adequately three books that
directly address his subject. He mentions Bernard Bellon's
in Peace and War_ briefly in just two footnotes. Bellon's last chapter
particular provides information on DBAG's use of slave and forced labor
that is a very useful supplement to Gregor's discussion. Gregor also
only a brief comment in a note on Hans Pohl's official history of the
company during the war. Pohl's work suffers from very serious flaws and
Gregor would have done well to have exposed them and to have shown how
own work is superior. Finally, Gregor only mentions briefly in a note
Daimler-Benz Buch_ published by a Marxist collective in Hamburg. While
book offers a distorted interpretation, it does provide valuable detail
concerning labor conditions in the company's plants.

Finally, this reader at least would have welcomed a few tables
the output of selected products, corporate operating results and the
corporate balance sheet. If Daimler-Benz actually pursued its
self-interest, as Gregor indeed shows, and since it was a private
having the latter two in particular would have been very helpful.

Neil Gregor has written an interesting book that can be read with profit

while ignoring its theoretical underpinnings. Ironically, Daimler-Benz
comes off surprisingly well in his account. He shows that DBAG was not a

Nazi company, it merely pursued its narrow corporate interest. Gregor's
most serious criticism of the company, which he never states explicitly,
that it did indeed protected its own interests when it should have
displayed more civil courage and served the common good. Yet, this
criticism is itself the product of a misunderstanding of how private
enterprise functions, of how self-interest can prevent the excesses of
regimes which, like the Nazis, pursue the common good (Gemeinwohl) with
monstrous results.

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