G'day Paul,

I got a lot out of
Carnoy, Castells, Cohen and Cardoso (1996) *The New Global Economy in the
Information Age*.  Penn. State
and this introductory classic (in case it doesn't rate as a classic over
Hettne, Bjorn (ed) (1995).  *International Political Economy: understanding
global disorder*.  Ferwood, Halifax, Canada.

I first took an interest due to Stuart Holland's (1987) *The Global Economy:
from meso to macroeconomics*.  Weidenfield & Nicolson, London.

But then I ain't trained in this stuff, so have a look before you buy ...


>On Monday, May 17, 1999 at 02:04:02 (+0000) Paul Phillips writes:
>>               ... I would like to ask all of those interested on the 
>>list to name the top 10-20 titles (excluding the classics which we 
>>have I believe) of books and/or journals that you would think should 
>>be a requirement for the reading list of a fourth year (two 
>>term) seminar entitled "Studies in Global Political Economy".  The 
>>calender description is:  "An advanced interdisciplinary seminar 
>>which will study the effects of the macro structural dynamics 
>>operating in the current global political economy.  Students, working 
>>in groups, will be expected to do case studies on an actual local (or 
>>regional) political economy."

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