      The Gang That Can't Bomb Straight has not only
hit the Swedish embassy, but also the residences of
the Norwegian and Spanish ambassadors (NATO
members vigorously supporting the war effort, last time
I checked).  They also hit a hospital, ugh, but not the
Swiss embassy or ambassador's residence.
      Yes, I think this pretty much tanks for good the
theory that the Chinese embassy was bombed "on purpose."
This bombing just kills and kills and kills indiscriminately.
Barkley Rosser
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 12:34 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:7109] Balkan confusion

>I've been away from the news for a couple of days and I'm confused.
>Did the US/NATO bomb the residence of the Swedish ambassador to Serbia? did
>the US/NATO also bomb the Swiss embassy? Am I conflating these two events?
>Is it this common in wars for the embassies of non-combatant nations to be
>If the US/NATO did bomb one or both of these embassies, it's evidence in
>favor of the view that our Fearless Leaders are incompetent (though morally
>self-righteous) bunglers rather than having bombed China's embassy on
>purpose. Of course, they might have bombed the Swiss and/or Swedish
>embassy(ies) in hopes of demonstrating that they are equal-opportunity
>bumbling bombers rather than having special animus toward China. That seems
>to Machievellian for me, but who knows?
>That article on the British "limps" made me want to give Tony Blair a good
>slapping. For good measure, I should prove myself to be an
>equal-opportunity slapper by including Bill Clinton in the mix, but that
>would draw unwanted attention from the Secret Service. So, guys, if you are
>reading this, I want to reiterate that I'm a peaceful guy who thinks that
>the pen is mightier than the sword. (Also, if you have any hints on how to
>liven up the style of my prose, they are always welcome. Please write. I
>haven't heard from you in awhile.)
>Bombing DESTROYS human rights. Ground troops make things worse. US/NATO out
>of Serbia!

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