This is right, except that I'd say that the lion's share of the surplus
went to a very specific part of the north, i.e., to England. 

At 03:05 PM 5/25/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Jim Devine's analysis would be correct if the surplus in the South would have
>been confined to that region.  Much of the wealth generated by the slave
>economy migrated to the north.
>Jim Devine wrote:
>> My reading is that the slaves did a hell of a lot of work (and in hell) but
>> that a lot of went wasted, because the Civil War destroyed the South. With
>> Northern occupation preventing the normal process of rebuilding that takes
>> place after wars (fixing the railways), with Southern white insistence on
>> the most reactionary politics after Reconstruction, with an economy overly
>> concentrated on cotton agriculture in an era with low cotton prices, the
>> South became a backwater, so that most of the slave's contributions were
>> for nought, allowing the slaveowners to live high on the hog for a few
>> decades before the Civil War. The slaveowners mostly invested in owning
>> more land and more slaves; they didn't do much in the way of capital
>> investment, while they avoided educating the slaves. After the Civil War,
>> they ended up with landholdings, a lot of desperate freedmen who became
>> debt peons, and a stagnant economy.
>Michael Perelman
>Economics Department
>California State University
>Chico, CA 95929
>fax 530-898-5901
Bombing DESTROYS human rights. Ground troops make things worse. US/NATO out
of Serbia!

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