note my correction: 
I would recommend Noam Chomsky's recent writings on the New World Order,
along with the recent volume of the SOCIALIST REGISTER on globalization. I
am also forwarding this message to other socialist political economists who
might be able to help. I wish apologizing to you about by my country's
attack on your country _did some_ good. But I've been arguing with lots of
people trying to convince them that Clinton and his clique are totally
wrong. It seems that more and more are agreeing. Good luck.

At 04:24 PM 5/27/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear prof.Devine,
>Beacuse I am collecting all materials re NWO and situation in Yugoslavia
>for doctoral thesis(after 63 days of NATO bombing and demolishing of my
>country)maybe you can propose some books and articles about this
>problems.Thank you in advance,
Bombing DESTROYS human rights. Ground Troops make things worse! US/NATO out
of Serbia now!

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