What is wrong with the logic of of the proposition that:

a: there was no ethnic cleansing;
b: NATO declares that unless Yugoslavia allows itself to be 
occupied and Kosovo be declared independent, it will be bombed 
regardless of how it treats its  minority; and 
c: Yugoslavia decides that the only way it can protect its territory 
from foreign invasion is to 'clear the region of possible enemy 
troups and collaborators' (like the US and Canada did in the 
second world war by clearing the west coast (i.e. ethnic cleansing) 
of Japanese).
  I disagreed with the expulsion of the Japanese as much as I 
dislike the expulsion of the Albanians.  But from a military 
standpoint I understand it and, in the case of Yugoslavia, the 
military argument is much stronger than the one for the internment 
of the Japanese by the US and Canada in WW2.
  Brad seems to be in denial -- it is NATO that initiated the ethnic 
cleansing, not the Serbs!!!!  There would be no -- repeat no -- ethnic 
cleansing if NATO had not tried to cleanse Kosovo of the Serbs 
through its bombing campaign.
  And now we, in Canada, are beginning to get the backlash of the 
Serb/Milosevic demonization campaign -- Serb kids in Canadian 
schools being taught by their teachers that the Serbs are evil 
ethnic oppressors  -- reminiscent of the 1930s in Germany.  Don't 
talk to me about the attempt to make every Muslim responsible for 
the terrorist acts of the KLA when you are attempting to make 
every Serb and Yugoslav responsible for the terrorist acts of NATO 
and the military response to those terrorist acts.

> >It is we, members of NATO, that have caused the ethnic cleansing by
> >our bombing
> >
> >Paul Phillips
> Why this strange and pathetic attempt to deny the agency of those who are
> undertaking the ethnic cleansing? And why this attempt to make every Muslim
> in the region bar responsbility for the terrorist deeds of the KLA?
> Brad DeLong

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