This is a petit detail but the usage of 'petty bourgeoisie' was from a 1935
English translation used by Progress Publishers in old Moscow editions. As
for Marx's attitute toward the P.B.s, perhaps the following sentence gives
the best flavour of his overall tone: "No party exaggerates its powers more
than the democrats [the Mountain, party of the p.b.], none deludes itself
more irresponsibly over the situation."

Barkley Rosser wrote:

>    I think it would help if people did not use the pejorative
>"petty bourgeois" which is inaccurate and not in Marx in
>the original and, in fact, just plain wrong.  It sounds like
>that when spoken, but the actual term is "petit bourgeois"
>which is French for "small" (or "little") bourgeois to be
>contrasted with the "grand bourgeois" or "big" (not "grand"
>in English) bourgeois.  This gives the accurate meaning
>and sense of this term without the ridiculously invidious
>use of "petty," which I agree with Peter Dorman has been
>horribly misused by many people.


Tom Walker

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