At 01:31 PM 5/14/99 -0400, Louis wrote:
>Barkley, you leave out enormous gaps in your account of the Balkan
>problems. Milosevic's attack on Kosovan autonomy did not come out of the
>blue. It was preceded by at least 7 years of mounting tensions in which
>Kosovars had made life miserable for the average Serb, to the point of
>driving many from the province.

I think this is important, too.

he quotes: >At a soccer match in Belgrade this October, fans of the
Pristina team from
>Kosovo started chanting ''E- Ho! E-Ho!,'' for Enver Hoxha. About the same
>time, a post office was bombed and an electric power plant, sabotaged.
>''Kosovo is finished as Serb territory, that's for certain,'' said Milutin
>Garasanin, a distinguished archeologist at Belgrade University. 

to what extent are the current troubles in Serbia due to Enver Hoxha's
efforts to attack Tito (or due to antagonisms between the old Yugoslavia
and the old Albania)?

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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