> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date:          Sun, 2 May 1999 22:20:03 -0500
> Subject:       [PEN-L:6319] (Fwd) A WAR AGAINST ALL OF THE SERBS
> Priority:      normal
> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> Date sent:            Fri, 30 Apr 1999 13:32:25 -0700
> To:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:                 Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:              A WAR AGAINST ALL OF THE SERBS
> The Chicago Tribune                                                   April 29, 1999
>       It's hard to justify a policy whose chief achievement _ and possibly    its
> main purpose _ is to make life miserable, frightening and     dangerous for
> people who have no control over what is going on in   Kosovo.
>       By Steve Chapman
>       War is to morality what the desert is to fish: a uniformly 
> inhospitable clime. That's true even if the war is small and limited. 
> The air campaign in Yugoslavia was conceived as a brief, surgical 
> strike on Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic and his murderous 
> military and paramilitary forces. But in five short weeks, it has 
> expanded into a war on one group of his victims: the Serbian 
> people. After bombing and re-bombing all the strictly military sites 
> it could find, without inducing Milosevic to surrender, NATO 
> expanded its list to include facilities whose destruction will do the 
> most harm to civilians. NATO Allied Supreme Commander Gen. 
> Wesley Clark, an advocate of what is known as "bringing the war 
> home to Belgrade," finally got permission to take out mainstays of 
> the Serbian economy, including the nation's electric power grid.
>       Purely economic facilities were originally off-limits, but The 
> Wall Street Journal reports that this "restriction is slipping almost 
> daily." NATO is also planning a naval blockade to cut off Serbia's 
> oil supplies.
>       Even many of the attacks on "military" targets have had far less 
> effect on Milosevic's campaign of terror than on the daily life of his 
> long-suffering populace. Rail lines have been severed, industrial 
> plants flattened and bridges demolished. Often, bystanders have 
> found themselves classified, posthumously, as "collateral damage." 
> Travel is hazardous, and just getting to work can be nearly 
> impossible. Last week, at least 10 employees were killed when 
> allied warplanes blasted a most unmilitary target--the official state 
> television station in Belgrade. Why? Because "it has filled the 
> airwaves with ... lies over the years," said a NATO spokesman. 
> Well, so has Bill Clinton, but NATO hasn't fired any cruise missiles 
> at the White House.
>       The alliance deserves some credit for clearly going out of its 
> way to minimize direct civilian casualties. It also can be excused if 
> some strikes unavoidably kill non-combatants. But it's hard to 
> justify a policy whose chief achievement--and possibly its main 
> purpose--is to make life miserable, frightening and dangerous for 
> people who have no control over what is going on in Kosovo.
>       The apparent goal is to inflict so much pain as to force 
> Milosevic to change his policies or to force his people to change 
> rulers. "We're holding civilians hostage," says DePaul University 
> political scientist Patrick Callahan, an expert on just-war theory.
>       He may not get an argument from German Gen. Klaus 
> Naumann, chairman of NATO's military committee, who says 
> Yugoslavia has been set back economically by 10 years and figures 
> that the air campaign could eventually turn the clock back half a 
> century. Naumann warns that if Milosevic doesn't retreat, "he may 
> end up being the ruler of rubble." NATO, in short, plans to reduce a 
> country that is home to 10 million people to a huge pile of 
> worthless debris.
>       New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, the most fervent 
> supporter of the air war, endorses that approach, telling the Serbs, 
> "Every week you ravage Kosovo is another decade we will set your 
> country back by pulverizing you. You want 1950? We can do 1950. 
> You want 1398? We can do 1398, too." Why stop at 1398? Why 
> not revive the idea, proposed but never adopted in Vietnam, of 
> bombing the enemy all the way back to the Stone Age?
>       If the aerial onslaught continues month after month, as 
> threatened, some civilians will be blown up, but many more will be 
> endangered by the secondary effects--food shortages, lack of fuel, 
> loss of medicines, destruction of water, sewage and sanitation 
> systems, poorly functioning hospitals, and the like. In Iraq, the 
> international economic embargo already has had these 
> consequences, causing some 90,000 deaths a year, by United 
> Nations estimates.
>       In Yugoslavia, as in Iraq, it's unlikely that punishing the villain's 
> subjects will advance our larger purpose. Disrupting transportation 
> hasn't stopped or even slowed the Serb offensive in Kosovo: 
> Milosevic has more soldiers there today than he did when the 
> bombing began. Interrupting state TV didn't weaken his grip. 
> Curtailing oil supplies will cause no more than modest 
> inconvenience to Serbian military forces: They'll get whatever fuel 
> is available, while civilians will do without. All we are doing is 
> uniting the Serbs in justified hatred of the West.
>       Torturing or killing innocents in order to further a political goal 
> is normally regarded as terrorism. But deliberately and needlessly 
> inflicting pain on the people of Serbia, while creating conditions 
> that promise to spawn disease and death, is seen by NATO as a 
> perfectly legitimate strategy. Americans are highly attuned to the 
> risks of losing soldiers and pilots in combat, but we need to beware 
> of the bigger danger of this and every war: coming to resemble the 
> enemy.

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