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today's papers

Gore-y Details

By Scott Shuger

>... some of the fronts [of US major newspapers] feature pictures of
President Clinton meeting with Kosovar refugees in a German camp, ...
Today's Papers is not too cynical to be untouched by Clinton's advice, to
some of the refugees whose harrowing experiences he heard about: "Don't let
yourself be broken by this. Find a way to be glad that the sun comes up in
the morning and that you have the people around you you do." On the other
hand, there is a cynical question floating behind all this, one that TP has
not seen addressed in the press: For all the horrible tales of houses set
aflame, people raped or shot in front of their families, of people having
their legs cut off, how is it that not one video, not one snapshot has made
its way to the Western press? True, the Serbs would strenuously strive to
prevent this, but you would think that with 800,000 refugees, at least one
sock in at least one boot would convey one irrefutable demonstration that
Milosevic and the Serbs are what the conventional wisdom holds them to be. <

>... The WP [Washington Post] editorial page has two pretty strong efforts
regarding Sudan. The first makes the case that it's imperative for the U.S.
to redouble its diplomatic efforts to try to bring an end to the civil war
there, a conflict that, the editorial points out, has killed more people
than the conflicts in Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia, Chechnya, Afghanistan and
Algeria *combined.* The second says it now seems that the U.S. government
was badly mistaken in thinking that the pharmaceutical plant it destroyed
last summer was making nerve gas for Osama bin Laden. But neither of these
is the paper's lead editorial. That honor goes to the prose addressing
another, apparently more serious, question: what can be done to make the
NBA [National Basketball Association] exciting again? <

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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