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Date sent:              Tue, 11 May 1999 12:00:16 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Daily Telegraph                                             May 7, 1999


Prof Miroslav Milicevic, Chief of Surgery at Belgrade University 
Hospital, has lived through the bombing of Belgrade. In extracts 
from a letter to a friend with whom he worked for two years at 
Imperial College, London, he describes his experiences. He has 
never been a suppporter of President Milosevic and carries no 
political affiliation, according to his friend.

Tuesday, May 4. 

Dear colleague,

        Hope you and the kids are doing OK. My father told me that you 
called and that you said that you have been trying to reach me for 
some time but that it proved impossible. I am not surprised, it is a 
miracle that phones are working at all, not to mention international 
        I really thank you both for inquiring about us. What can I say 
about the way we live. Whatever I say is not terrible enough and 
does not portray the present situation in its extreme horror. When 
the bombing started, Lepa and the kids were here for two days. I 
have a bomb shelter in the house where I live and we spent 
practically two nights there.
        The sirens, the blasts and the general feeling really deranged my 
kids (they are only 5 and 7) and Lepa could not take it at all. It was 
like a nightmare. My kids really suffered greatly and after a few days 
I had to decide to move them out of the country, which was not easy 
at all.
        There was really no choice since they would definitely have been 
psychologically damaged for life. I made up my mind in two hours 
and arranged for a minibus to drive my family and the families of 
two of my friends to Budapest. We were driving behind the minibus 
to make sure they made it across the bridges. Can you imagine how 
it feels when you are speeding down the road and 700 metres to 
your left you have screeching aircraft piloted by morons bombing the 
airfield in Batajnica? Can you imagine how the kids feel?
        We knew that it was an opportunity to get our families to safety 
and that we had to take it no matter what the risk was. Believe me 
Nagy, that we only hoped that if someone had to die it was us and 
not our children. They made it to Budapest, thank God. From there 
Lepa and the kids went to Moscow. It is fortunate that I have a 
brother there and he has been taking care of them since.
        What has been happening since. Utter madness. We do very little 
surgery, only what is inevitable and have emptied the hospital for 
eventual casualties. We are low on supplies, and you can imagine 
how surgeons that do not operate feel.
        We have 24 hour shifts every few days (several teams headed by 
a professor) as spare teams for the Emergency Centre teams. There 
is depression and anger everywhere you turn. No one can do 
anything smart - we just exist. I cannot write or read. Friends (since 
most families are in exile) meet and spend their time together. I am 
relieved when I operate - it keeps my mind off my family and the 
unbelievable reality. Can you believe that 500 million of the richest 
and most powerful people in the world (the largest fighting force 
ever) has attacked 10 million people that have been devastated by 
sanctions and a European capital is being bombed at the end of the 
second millennium. People do not smile any more, survival is the 
only preoccupation. It is only important that our kids do not suffer.
        I have stopped watching satellite news. I cannot stand the 
propaganda telling me that I belong to a nation that does not deserve 
to live. Believe me that what you see in the news has nothing to do 
with how really terrible things are. More than 80 per cent of the 
bridges have been destroyed, most railroads and roads. Both 
refineries have been destroyed, there is no gasoline at all, and we 
practically do not drive cars any more. More than 300 schools and 
university buildings have been damaged. More than 1 million pre-
school, school and university students do not go to school any more.
        The semester has been concluded one month ago. My daughter 
has not learned to read properly in first grade and she is already in 
the second grade. The whole generation will be crippled. Believe me, 
I have lived through some of the most difficult days in my life, I am 
tough and I do not break and will not break.
        In Belgrade practically no one sleeps at night any more, since the 
main bombings take place from 22:30 to 04:30. It is enough to hear 
enemy planes fly over your cities, the cruise missiles (they fly low 
and slow), to hear and feel the explosions. When planes do not fly 
you still think you hear them. It is hard to stay sane.
        Imagine seeing buildings you grew up next to crumble and be 
turned to dust. It is like someone is erasing a part of your life. 
Seeing your city destroyed is so sad. When they bombed the 
Ministry for Internal Affairs my teams were on duty at the Clinic. 
That building is barely 200 metres from the First Surgical. Can you 
imagine how it feels and how it sounds? The blast, shattering glass, 
the fire, smoke etc. Anti-aircraft guns and rockets light up the sky. A 
small nation can only do so much.
        Last Thursday was one of the worst days. My teams were on 
duty again and at around 01:30 they rocketed the same building 
twice again and the army headquarters only 800 metres away. The 
rockets flew over our heads, the explosions were terrible.
        When we left for the casualties there was some in the air, dust, 
the smell of chemicals and flames all over the place. Like in a lousy 
war movie. In fifteen minutes the attack was repeated and all the 
people that went into the building to look for the injured were 
blasted out.
        In that one night our teams amputated three legs (two in the 
same patient), one in another and one on the spot of the bombing. 
Can you believe that this is happening in the main street of Belgrade 
several hundred metres from the hospital? For the past few weeks I 
have really aged. Then they bombed the TV station only 900 metres 
from my flat. In that attack 17 people were killed and crushed. 
Another leg amputation had to be done on the spot.
        A few days ago they used special carbon dust and fibre bombs 
and shorted the electrical power grid so that 80 per cent of Serbia 
was without electricity the entire night, part of the next day and 
some are still without electricity.
        Can you imagine in a city of 2 million how many babies could 
not be taken care of during the night? You know our hospitals and 
how much we can do with generators. If this is not cruelty beyond 
compare then I am probably insane already. This must be a 
nightmare, it could not be happening. When the death tolls become 
public, I am certain that generations to come will hide their face in 
shame. They will want to skip this lesson in history books.
        The worst part is wondering why this all is happening. All of my 
life I tried to be decent, honest and dignified doing no wrong to 
anyone. Most of my friends are the same. We worked hard to 
achieve something. Now that everything started working for me, 
patient referrals, operations, income, research etc, everything is 
disrupted and there is no future any more. I can really see no more 
sense in anything I do.
        We barely had the means for serious hepatic surgery before the 
aggression and now we have no means for serious surgery at all. 
What have I been doing for the past 50 years at all?
        I know one thing for sure. If all this does not induce drastic 
political changes and some, even remote, future for my kids - I am 
through with surgery and this is not going to be a place where I want 
them to grow up in, I can harbour my fury and hatred, I can function 
even at a time like this and I shall not break but I keep asking myself 
why so much violence, hatred, destruction - is it so hard to be 
        The problem is that there is no end in sight and people change. 
The weak crack, psychopaths strive, the normal suffer and I am sure 
that nothing here is ever going to be the same again. What can we as 
doctors do? I cannot leave my people in time of greatest need and 
none of my friends has done so. We can only speak our mind and 
promote moral principles hoping that sanity will prevail.
        Unfortunately no one wants to hear. If we were a species of 
animals I am sure animal protection groups would stand up against 
what is happening to us. This is how I live presently. I shall do my 
best to survive and provide a future for my kids. They deserve it. I 
am not a quitter and I shall take what is coming. At this point, 
surgery seems so far away because one does not understand the 
purpose of anything any more.
        I have hope and that will guide me. I have friends and they make 
this turmoil easier to bear. All the best to all of you.


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