From: "jay wisdom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 20:39:57 PDT

"Every generation has a moral assignment.
Ours is to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal" -- Ossie Davis


The next nine months will be critical for the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal. By 
the end of this year, Mumia will be in the federal courts. This will be his 
only chance to present the witnesses and obtain the evidence that were 
denied him by the Pennsylvania courts.

The Effective Death Penalty Act, signed into law on April 24, 1996, was 
designed to make it almost impossible to have the federal courts review and 
overturn unjust and racist acts by state courts. History teaches us that 
justice does not come by the orderly workings of "the law," but through the 
actions and demands of the people.

Our movement must now grow in a series of leaps, beginning with this great 
demonstration today. From today forward, each day counts. Each of us must 
return home as organizers on a mission.

Here are the crucial next steps:

1. Be in Philadelphia for the July 4th weekend march and organizers 
conference, plus civil disobedience at the Liberty Bell at noon on July 3. 
On-going civil disobedience actions through the year. Young people: come to 
Philly Freedom Summer June 28 to July 11.

2. Build for the National Week for Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal, September 
19-25, a week of programs, teach-ins, and actions for Mumia throughout the 
country, ending with "100 Cities for Mumia" mass actions on September 25. 
Participate in the cultural events of "Mumia 911," a National Day of Art to 
Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal on September 11.

3. Take these plans out to organizations, churches, and unions in your 
community. Get them to take it out to their people. Establish an emergency 
response plan in the event of a new death warrant.

4. Join and be active in a national or local group or coalition working for 
Mumia, and support the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia 


Int'l Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, 215-476-8812
Academics for Mumia Abu-Jamal, 609-497-7918
Bruderhof, 724-329-8573
Campaign to End the Death Penalty, 312-409-7145
Free Mumia Coalition, 212-330-8029
Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, 415-821-0459
National Peoples Campaign, 212-633-6646
Refuse & Resist!, 212-713-5657
>Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 17:27:38 PDT
>From: "kali williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>5/13 Action for Mumia Abu-Jamal
>Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 15:03:16 -0700
>Time is running out for Mumia Abu-Jamal.  Thanks to President Clinton's
>Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, Mumia's chances in federal
>court are dismal unless we can turn up the heat with a bigger, broader and
>stronger movement in the streets.  To this end, Bay Area groups are
>calling for a campaign of direct action over the next several months to
>let the courts and government know that there will be no peace if Mumia is
>On Thursday, May 13, at 4:30 p.m. we will demonstrate at Dianne
>Feinstein's office, 525 Market Street, near Montgomery BART.  There will
>be a legal demonstration and a direct action.  Sen. Feinstein has a long
>history of supporting the racist death penalty in California and
>nationally and it is appropriate for her to use her power as a U.S.
>official to call for a new and fair trial for Mumia. 
>We are building for large actions in July and September and for an
>emergency response should a death warrant be issued.  We are calling for
>individuals and organizations to form affinity groups of 5-15 people to
>participate in the May 13 and future actions. 
>Pre-action gathering and affinity group formation:  Sunday May 9, 4 p.m.,
>Centro de la Raza, 474 Valencia (between 16th and 15th). For more
>information, and to get involved:  Direct Action for Mumia Abu-Jamal,
>415-431-3594. Participating and endorsing groups include:  Critical
>Resistance, FireWorx, Lesbian and Gay Insurrection (LAGAI), National
>Lawyers Guild, East Bay United Front to Free Mumia, California Coalition
>for Women Prisoners, Prison Activist Resource Center, and more. 

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