This is the best thing the American Legions' done since inventing baseball.

Your email pal,

Tom L.

Peter Dorman wrote:

> This is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking of when I sent my
> earlier post about the risk of left-right coalitions.  The national
> interest discourse is poison for the left and will drive away the kinds
> of people we ought to be trying to win over -- people with an inkling of
> solidarity beyond their own narrow circle.  Most of us would agree, I
> think, that if the NATO action really had the capacity to save thousands
> of lives and safeguard human rights, and if it were part of a larger
> life-saving effort that included the victims of "free world" atrocities
> as well, we would support it enthusiastically.  National interest, for
> us, has nothing to do with it.
> The political cost of ganging up with the nationalist antiwar right is
> too great.
> Peter
> Michael Hoover wrote:
> >
> > anyone know if below has a precedent?   Michael Hoover
> >
> > > Vets Want US Troops Out of Balkans
> > >
> > >                         Thursday, May 6, 1999; 5:00 a.m. EDT
> > >
> > >                         INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- The nation's largest veterans
> > > organization has urged President
> > >                         Clinton to immediately withdraw U.S. troops from
> > > the Balkans.
> > >
> > >                         ``We believe the best thing we can do to support
> > > our troops, to protect our troops, is to bring them home,'' said Harold L.
> > > ``Butch'' Miller, national commander of The American Legion.
> > >                         ``We believe we are getting into a bad situation in
> > > Kosovo.''
> > >
> > >                         The Legion's national executive committee
> > > unanimously adopted a resolution Wednesday calling for all U.S. soldiers,
> > > pilots and support staff to be removed from the region.
> > >
> > >                         The resolution says the U.S.-led NATO attacks
> > > against Serbia ``could only lead to troops
> > >                         being killed, wounded or captured without advancing
> > > any clear purpose, mission or objective.''
> > >
> > >                         The Legion would permit U.S. involvement if
> > > Congress passes a resolution supporting the  NATO action; U.S. troops are
> > > led only by U.S. commanders; the president explains why the
> > >                         action is ``in our vital national interests;'' and
> > > guidelines for the campaign, including an exit  strategy, are established.
> > >
> > >                         The Legion, which represents about 2.9 million
> > > American veterans, has scheduled a news  conference today to discuss the
> > > resolution, which is being delivered to the White House and all
> > >                         members of Congress.
> > >
> > >                                               =A9 Copyright 1999 The
> > > Associated Press
> > >
> > >
> > >

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