Foreign Policy In Focus
Vol. 4, No. 16  o  May 1999

Turkey: Arms and Human Rights  

By Tamar Gabelnick, Federation of American Scientists
Edited by Tom Barry (IRC) and Martha Honey (IPS)

Key Points
o       Turkey has long topped the list of U.S. arms importers and recipients of
U.S. military aid.
o       U.S. arms transfers support the Turkish army to the detriment of Turkey's
fledgling democracy.
o       Turkey has launched a major military modernization project and will be
seeking even greater quantities of U.S. arms.

Considered a strategic NATO ally, Turkey has benefited from a U.S. policy
that is long on military assistance and short on constructive criticism.
Washington values close ties with Turkey both as a secular state with a
predominately Muslim population and as a buffer between Europe and the
Middle East and Caucasus regions. Once valued as a deterrent to the Soviet
threat, Turkey is now considered a key ally in stopping terrorism, drug
trafficking, and Islamic fundamentalism from seeping across the Bosporus
Straits. Turkey also offers opportunities as an emerging market and a
potential site for the Caspian Sea oil pipeline. Finally, Turkey won U.S.
favor by supporting the Gulf War, participating in Bosnian peacekeeping,
and providing a base for U.S. fighter planes monitoring the "no-fly-zone"
in northern Iraq. 

The 1980 Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement reaffirmed the tight
relationship between the U.S. and Turkey, which had been threatened after
Turkey's 1974 invasion of Cyprus and the subsequent U.S. arms embargo. This
accord allowed U.S. military bases on Turkish soil in exchange for help
modernizing Turkey's military, opening the door to a flood of U.S. arms
transfers. Since 1980 the U.S. has shipped $9 billion worth of arms to
Turkey and provided $6.5 billion in grant and loan military aid to purchase
U.S. equipment. By fiscal year 1999, Congress phased out this type of
military aid to both Greece and Turkey out of a recognition that these
relatively well-off states could finance their own arms purchases. Before
FY 1999, Turkey had been the third largest recipient of U.S. military aid.

The U.S. government believes large quantities of arms sales buy political
influence in addition to providing economic benefits. In reality,
Washington has held little sway over Ankara's behavior in such key foreign
policy areas as promoting human rights and democracy, preserving regional
stability, keeping Turkey tied to Western Europe, and promoting economic
growth. Additionally, Turkey has only reluctantly accepted the embargo
against Iraq and is pursuing a natural gas pipeline deal with Iran in
defiance of the U.S. embargo. 

U.S. arms sales actually undermine many U.S. foreign policy goals by
providing physical and political support to the Turkish military at the
expense of democratically elected leaders and civil society. The Turkish
military's 15-year war against the rebel Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in
southeast Turkey has involved severe violations of international human
rights and humanitarian law, including indiscriminate and disproportionate
use of force. The war has served as an excuse to repress political leaders,
journalists, and human rights activists seeking greater rights for Kurds
and a peaceful end to the war. Additionally, in the name of protecting a
strictly secular society, the Turkish military uses its inordinate power to
suppress religious expression and mild political Islamic activism. 

U.S. arms sales and continued conflict in Turkey also damage Turkey's
economy and prospects for economic cooperation with the West. The 1998 CIA
Factbook states that Turkey spends about $7 billion a year on the war with
the PKK, which contributed to a 99% inflation rate for 1998 and a national
debt equal to half the government's revenue. War-related political and
financial instability has discouraged foreign investment. A U.S.-backed
plan would route a Caspian Sea oil pipeline through territory where the PKK
operates, leaving it susceptible to rebel attacks. An end to the war and
improvements in human rights are also necessary preconditions for Turkey's
entry into the European Union (EU), which the U.S. believes would draw
Turkey closer to the West. Turkey's ceaseless provocation of Greece, again
using U.S. arms, is another barrier to EU entry. 

The Turkish military is planning a massive modernization project, with over
$30 billion budgeted over the next eight years. The first major acquisition
will be 145 attack helicopters worth $3.5 billion, to be coproduced with
the Turkish company TAI. As helicopters have figured prominently in the
destruction of civilian targets, U.S. human rights and arms control groups
protested vehemently when Boeing and Bell Textron requested marketing
licenses for this sale. In response, the State Department approved
marketing licenses, but stated that if a U.S. helicopter were selected, it
would not issue an export license unless Turkey made significant progress
on human rights and allowed the U.S. to monitor use of the equipment in
Turkey. The specific criteria laid out included: decriminalization of free
speech; release of journalists and parliamentarians; steps to end torture
and police impunity; reopening of NGOs closed by authorities;
democratization and the expansion of political participation; lifting of
the state of emergency in southeast Turkey; and the resettlement of
internally displaced persons (estimated at 500,000 to 2.5 million people). 

Prime Minister Yilmaz pledged to make these improvements in a December 1997
meeting with President Clinton. While Turkey has yet to choose among five
finalists (including the two U.S. competitors), it also remains far from
meeting the agreed-upon conditions and has in fact regressed in key areas.

Problems With Current U.S. Policy

Key Problems
o       Turkey does not meet basic U.S. criteria for arms exports, nor those
outlined by the State Department specifically for the attack helicopter sale.
o       Turkish forces have used U.S. arms to commit human rights abuses, and the
U.S. government does not have the ability to prevent future arms exports
from being used in this manner.
o       Stability-both within Turkey and in the region-is undermined by high
levels of U.S. arms exports.

The December 1997 State Department agreement to link an export license to
human rights improvements would signal-if implemented-respect for
international human rights law. It would also bring U.S. policy in line
with Section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act, which states that weapons
may not be provided to any country "the government of which engages in a
consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human
rights." The State Department's annual human rights reports have documented
Turkey's flagrant human rights abuses year after year in a pattern that is
clearly gross and consistent. Arms exports to Turkey also contravene
President Clinton's Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 34, issued in
February 1995, which directs the State Department to factor into arms
export decisions the impact of an export on regional stability and on human
rights and democracy in the recipient state. 

Turkey has also regressed or made little progress on the human rights
criteria the State Department laid out for the attack helicopter sale. The
cultural and linguistic rights of Kurds are still repressed, and the "state
of emergency" continues in six of the nine southeast provinces. Torture
continues with impunity, and Turkey has one of the world's highest numbers
of imprisoned journalists. As the 1998 State Department Human Rights report
for Turkey states: "Despite Prime Minister Yilmaz's stated commitment that
human rights would be his government's highest priority in 1998, serious
human rights abuses continued….Extrajudicial killings, including deaths in
detention from the excessive use of force, 'mystery killings,' and
disappearances continued. Torture remained widespread…. Security forces
continued to use arbitrary arrest and detention. Prolonged pretrial
detention and lengthy trials continued to be problems."

According to an April 1999 Human Rights Watch report, journalists risk
fines, imprisonment, bans, or violent attacks if they write about such
subjects as "the role of Islam in politics and society, Turkey's ethnic
Kurdish Minority, the conflict in southeastern Turkey, or the proper role
of the military in government and society." At present, many journalists,
prominent human rights leaders, and Kurdish and Islamic political
leaders-including members of parliament-are in prison for violating
ambiguous laws against inciting "racial" or "religious hatred" or for
issuing "separatist" propaganda. The arrest of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan
provided an excuse to once again lash out against those calling for a
peaceful end to the war. 

Intimidation tactics marred the April 1999 national and local elections,
leaving interim Prime Minister Ecevit's nationalist Democratic Left Party
(DSP) with the most seats in parliament. The only remaining legal Kurdish
party, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HADEP), faced an imminent ban, and
thousands of HADEP members-including its leader and several electoral
candidates-were detained prior to the elections. Members of the Islamic
Virtue party were also harassed and jailed. Turkey's chief prosecutor is
now seeking to close the Virtue party after a newly elected female Virtue
parliamentarian insisted on wearing a head scarf inside parliament chambers. 

U.S. weapons transfers not only provide tacit support for these repressive
policies, but have also been used directly by military and police forces to
commit human rights abuses, as documented by both Human Rights Watch and
the U.S. State Department. In a campaign to root out local Kurdish support
for the PKK, U.S.-supplied attack helicopters, jets, tanks, and armored
personnel carriers have been used to destroy over 3,000 Kurdish villages.
U.S.-origin small arms have been used in the extrajudicial killing of
suspected PKK soldiers or sympathizers, and American-made utility
helicopters have been used to transport soldiers on these missions. After
the Ocalan arrest, the Turkish military heightened its attacks on the PKK,
both in Turkey and across the border into northern Iraq. Turkey's renewed
faith in the ability to win the war probably encourages the military to
continue using indiscriminate and disproportionate force, though Turkish
authorities have prevented U.S. officials and international human rights
groups from monitoring their activities in the region. 

The war with the PKK also carries repercussions for stability in the region
and within Turkey, both of which adversely affect U.S. security interests.
The CIA's 1997 "State Failure Task Force" report identified Turkey as a
nation in danger of collapse. The military's heavy-handed, destabilizing
role in domestic politics can only be justified as long as the war
continues. The conflict has also created entrenched governmental
corruption, touching all central political actors in Ankara.

By flooding the Aegean region with high-tech arms, the U.S. has also fueled
an arms race between Turkey and Greece and exacerbated their fractious
relationship. Time and time again, Turkey has provoked Greece by flying
over its airspace and entering its territorial 
waters, and it has flown F-16s over southern Cyprus in violation of its
licensing agreement with the U.S. government. Turkey has often threatened
force against Greece and Cyprus, most recently in response both to Greece's
role in harboring PKK leader Ocalan and to the Greek Cypriot government's
planned purchase of Russian S-300 air-defense missiles. The U.S. has often
had to intervene to prevent open conflict between the two NATO allies,
whose tense 
relationship threatens to further undermine regional stability.

Toward a New Foreign Policy

Key Recommendations
o       Congress should pass an Arms Transfers Code of Conduct to create clear
and consistent guidelines about which states may import U.S. arms.
o       The State Department should honor its December 1997 agreement and refuse
to approve the sale of attack helicopters until Turkey's human rights
situation has significantly improved. 
o       The Clinton administration should encourage democratization and the
guarantee of human rights in Turkey rather than relying on arms sales to
try to buy political influence.

Vague U.S. law gives the Clinton administration a great deal of discretion
over arms export approvals. When a sale to a close ally like Turkey is at
stake, the immediate financial and political gratification of an arms sale
is almost always favored over the longer-term benefits of restraint. For
this reason, U.S. arms export law should be amended to include more precise
eligibility criteria. Legislation introduced in the past three
Congresses-the Arms Transfers Code of Conduct-would prevent arms sales to
states that are undemocratic, abuse their citizens' human rights, are
engaged in acts of armed aggression, or do not fully participate in the UN
Register of Conventional Weapons, unless the President issues a national
security waiver. Unlike present law, these disqualifying categories are
fully defined so that decisions can be made according to clear, consistent

If a code of conduct were in place, Turkey would not qualify for arms sales
until it ended the war with the PKK, guaranteed the rights of all Turkish
citizens, and ended its aggressive posturing toward Greece. Although the
Clinton administration would probably take advantage of the code's national
security waiver, the process of denying eligibility and then justifying the
sale on national security grounds would add a degree of scrutiny that might
cause both the buyer and the seller to reconsider.

In the meantime, the U.S. State Department should honor its pledge to
withhold an export license for attack helicopters until Turkey takes
serious steps to meet agreed-upon human rights conditions. In a March 1999
meeting between nongovernmental groups and Assistant Secretaries of State
Grossman and Koh, the U.S. officials appeared optimistic that significant
improvements could be achieved before Turkey makes its arms purchasing
decision, expected in the next six to eight months. Yet the strong showing
for both the nationalist DSP and the extreme-right National Action Party
(MHP) in recent elections does not bode well for a positive policy shift in
the near future. 

The U.S. State Department must not accept promises in exchange for real
change; past pledges to reform human rights laws and practices have not
translated into actual reforms. Moreover, until the Turkish government
rescinds the state of emergency in the Southeast and allows U.S. government
officials access to the region, Washington will be unable either to verify
official claims of improvements or to ensure that future arms shipments are
not used in human rights abuses. Rather than trusting the Turkish
government to use U.S. arms appropriately, America should refrain from
selling arms until independent verification is possible. 

The attack helicopter sale provides a good test case for the new U.S.
policy with its due emphasis on human rights, but it should not be a unique
occurrence. By adopting a consistent set of firm criteria, such as the Arms
Transfers Code of Conduct, the U.S. government would affirm that short-term
goals-in this case logistical support for U.S. policy toward Iraq-do not
outweigh longer-term goals, such as a democratic and stable Turkey. U.S.
interests in the Aegean region go far beyond containing Saddam Hussein, and
a free-flowing arms sales policy undercuts other strategic, political, and
economic objectives. 

Moreover, the U.S. policy of maintaining a no-fly-zone in northern Iraq is
absurdly illogical. U.S. jets based at Incirlik, Turkey, patrol Iraqi
airspace-and have recently bombed air-defense systems-in order to protect
the Kurdish population from military attacks. Yet in regular sorties north
of the Iraqi border, Turkey simultaneously uses U.S.-exported jets and
attack helicopters-and U.S.-supplied intelligence-to target the same
Kurdish population in Turkey. 

Washington must issue a strong statement of concern over human rights and
democratic practices and back it with an arms embargo-as several European
states have done-for Turkey to take U.S. concerns seriously. State
Department officials assert that they use bilateral 
discussions to push for democratic and human rights reforms. Given the
dismal failure of these efforts, either arms sales have not provided the
U.S. with enough influence, or U.S. officials have not cared to exercise
their supposed clout to defend these foreign policy goals. Withholding arms
to Turkey can help achieve such goals by denying the physical and political
support the Turkish military needs to continue its civil conflict with the
PKK, its stranglehold on Turkish politics, and its maintenance of a
political system based on exclusion and repression.

Tamar Gabelnick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is Acting Director of the Arms Sales
Monitoring Project of the Federation of American Scientists.

Sources for More Information

Amnesty International
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE, 5th Fl.
Washington, DC 20003
Voice: (202) 544-0200
Fax: (202) 546-7142
Contact: Maureen Greenwood

Federation of American Scientists
Arms Sales Monitoring Project
307 Massachusetts Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20002
Voice: (202) 675-1018
Fax: (202) 675-1010
Contact: Tamar Gabelnick

Human Rights Watch
Europe and Central Asia Division
350 Fifth Ave., 34th Fl.
New York, NY 10118
Voice: (212) 290-4700
Fax: (212) 736-1300
Contact: Betsy Anderson

Lawyers Committee on Human Rights
499 S. Capitol St. SW, Ste. 508
Washington, DC 20003
Voice: (202) 547-5692
Fax: (202) 543-5999
Contact: Jerry Fowler

Washington Kurdish Institute 
605 G St. SW
Washington, DC 20024
Voice: (202) 544-0200
Fax: (202) 546-7142
Contact: Mike Amitay

World Policy Institute
65 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10003
Voice: (212) 229-5808
Fax: (212) 229-5579
Contact: Bill Hartung

Human Rights Watch Arms Project, "Weapons Transfers and Violations of the
Laws of War in Turkey," (Washington, DC: Human Rights Watch, 1995)
John Tirman, Spoils of War: The Human Costs of America's Arms Trade (New
York: The Free Press, 1997).

Kurdish Worldwide Resources

State Dept. Turkey Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998

U.S Military Equipment And Human Rights Violations

Violations of Free Expression in Turkey

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