The Alternative Economic Summit
17./18. of June 1999

..VHS, Cologne

Programme and Outline

>From 18th to 20th of June 1999 the last World Economic Summit (G-7) in this
century will take place in Cologne.

In Germany, social movements and NGOs are preparing several alternative
events, among them a demonstration and a human chain.

At the 17th and 18th of June an international congress, the "Alternative
World Economic Summit" will take place.

The congress is prepared by an alliance of different organisations, among
them Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND), medico international, the
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, the Youth Organisations of the socialdemocratic and
green party, the Federal Congress of Development Action Groups (BUKO), Oxfam
Germany, Network "no one is illegal" and others. The conference is
co-ordinated by WEED.

The main-purpose of the congress is the discussion and promotion of
alternatives to the neo-liberal world order. In the light of the deepening
crisis of the dominant economic paradigm the political conjuncture for
alternatives has never been more favourable in the last decade.

The congress will focus on three main issues:

     the future of labour
     towards a different world economic order, in particular the finance

while cross-sectorial issues like ecology, peacekeeping and women will be

The first day of the congress will focus in three parallel panel meetings on
the main issues. International and
German experts and civil society representatives will be invited, among
others: Elmar Altvater, François Chesnais,
Susan George, Jörg Huffschmid, Martin Khor.

The second day will integrate the results of the commissions in the plenary
and try to further process alternatives.
Prominent figures from social movements from all over the world, academics
etc. will be invited. We shall try to get
personalities like Madjiguene Cisse, Vandana Shiva and Eduardo Galeano.

The congress will be held with simultaneous translation in at least English
and German.

The conference will be held in the High School for Adult Education
(Volkshochschule) Cologne, Josef Haubrich
Hof 2 (near Neumarkt).


Opening plenary (10 - 10:30h): Welcome and introduction by Peter Wahl (WEED)

                             Forum I Migration (17.6)

Panel 1 "We are here, because you’re there"

10:30 - 12:30

Discussion with Videoclips

The biographies of migrants show: The globalised capitalism worsened social
situations and generates refugees
all over the world.

With: Theophilus E. Osezua (The Voice), Osiris Bayther (Exil-Colombian),
Peter Kissinger (Germany),
representative of Movimento dos Sem (Brasil), Ayten Kaplan (Yek Kom).

Moderator: Oliver Tolmein (Journalist)

Panel 2 Deportation violates human rights

14:00 - 16:00

Europe turns into a fortress against migrants. Thousands of people are in
remand pending deportation. But the
illegalised and locked up don’t give up, but organise resistance.

With: Madjiguène Cissé (sans papiers), Osaren Igbinoba (Caravan of migrants
and refugees), representative of
SOLATINA, Fatma Bag (Church Asylum, Germany), Behshid Najafi (AGISRA).

Moderator: Mekkonnen Meshgena

Panel 3 Many ways lead to one destination?!

16:30 - 18:30

Discussion with all speakers.

All over the world people defend there dignity and fight for the same rights.
Do our visions have the power to
establish alternatives?

                          Forum II Future of labour (17.6.)

The general task of this Forum is to reconstruct emancipatory strategies and
social alternatives in the light of the
postfordist transformations. Particular attention is given to perspectives
from the South and the East.

Panel 1 Beyond labour? Perspectives of the industrialised countries.

10:30 - 12:30

With Yann Moulier Boutang (University of Paris), Karl Georg Zinn (University
Aachen, Germany), Thomas Atzert
(Germany) and Christa Sonnenfeld (FALZ, Germany).

Moderation: Mag Wompel (Labour Net Germany)

Panel 2 Beyond labour? Perspectives of the developing countries

14:00 - 16:00

With Boris Kagarlitzky (Russia), Farida Akther (UBINIG, Bangla Desh), Maria
Rojas (Pensamiento proprio, Chile)
and Ari Sitas (University of Natal, South Africa).

Moderation: Christa Wichterich (Germany)

Panel 3 Ethos, Utopia and labour ideology

16:30 - 18:30

With Joachim Beerhorst (IG Metall), Karola Bede (Sigmund-Freud-Institute,
Germany), Roswitha Scholz
(Nürnberg, Germany) and Maurizio Lazzarato (France).

Moderator: Rudolf Walther (Journalist)

                   Forum III (17.6.): For a new economic world order

Panel 1 Business without frontiers? World trade, Foreign Direct Investments
and control of TNCs

14:00 - 16:00

With regard to the "Millennium Round" of the WTO and the ongoing
liberalisation and deregulation on trade and
investment, alternatives of the civil society will be discussed.

With Sunita Narain (Centre for Science & Environment, India), Ronnie Hall
(Friends of the Earth International),
Jessica Woodroffe (World Development Movement, UK), Peter Fuchs (FoE Germany)

Moderator: Myriam Vander Stichele (SOMO and TNI, Netherlands)

Panel 2 Regulating the financial markets

10:30 - 12:30

In the last decade, the international finance markets were the main catalyst
of globalisation. Any politics seem to
be dependent from the power of capital. Will we be able to turn the tide?
Which strategies, which instruments are
necessary for a change?

With François Chesnais (University of Paris, France), Suzanne de Brunhoff
(CNRS, France), Jörg Huffschmid
(University of Bremen, Germany), Kevin Watkins (Oxfam international, UK).

Moderator: Martina Metzger (University of Berlin, Germany)

Panel 3 (Re)Regulation of the world economic system - Democratic alternatives
to the neoliberal world order

16:30 - 18:30

Is there a new order which can replace neoliberalism? A new architecture of
the world economy and the
international system will be discussed.

With Candido Grzbowski (ibase, Brasil), Ed Mayo (New Economics Foundation,
London), Susan George (Author,
France), Michel Chossudovsky (University of Ottawa, Canada).

Moderator: Peter Wahl (WEED)

Final discussion: Beyond Neo-Keynesianism

With Jean-Pierre Leroy (FASE, Brasilien), Vandana Shiva (Alternative Nobel
Prize winner, India), Alain Lipietz
(CEPREMAP, France), Ralf Fücks (Heinrich-Böll-Foundation)

Moderator: Uli Brand (BUKO, Germany).

                          Plenary on the Final Day (18.6.)

Orientation: Elmar Altvater (University of Berlin, Germany)


Panel 1 Back to the future? Perspectives of neo-keynesian Reform-Alternatives

10:30 - 12:30

With Yann Moulier Boutang (Uni Paris), Ariel Salleh (University of Sydney),
Nicola Bullard (Focus on the Global
South, Thailand), Detlev Hartmann (no men is illegal Germany)

Moderation: Andrea Nahles

Panel 2 Change comes bottom-up. New strategies and players?

14:00 - 16:00

With Boris Kagarlitzky (Russia), Brian Ashley (Alternatives Informations and
Development Center, South Africa),
representative of EZLN (Mexico), Viraj Mendis (organisation of unemployed

Panel 3 It is not enough to interprete the world - ways, strategies and

17:30 - 19:00

With Martin Khor (Third World Network, Malaysia), Frieder Otto Wolf (member
of the European Parliament,
Germany), Farida Akhter (Bangla Desh).

Moderator: Christa Müller (Germany)

Final discussion:

20:00 - 21:30

With Michel Chossudovsky (Canada), Madjiguène Cissé (Sans papiers, France),
NN (Serbian Peace Movement)
and Andres Buro (German Peace Movement, Germany)

Moderation: NN ( physicians against nuclear war)

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