No, the comedy of errors didn't occur until "Bennie's "post below.

Charles Brown


DeLong, Capitalist Roader:

Your unconscionable slanders of the Dear Leader and Grand Poobah
will never be swallowed by the masses of alert proletarians, who
are keenly aware of their world-historic contributions to
progress and human development, especially in the fields of zero
population growth, low-fat/low-protein/low-carbohydrate
nutrition, capital punishment, and synchronized swimming.

You have but to recall the recent, totally spontaneous outburst
of righteous rage at U.S. imperialism's attack on the Peoples
Republic of China, notwithstanding the concurrent anniversary of
the liquidation (without the derogatory connotation) of so-called
"pro-democracy" so-called "dissidents" who had conspired against
the Revolution.  How fine that this mailing list can devote its
time to debates on the merits of Stalinism/Maoism, rather than
such mundane trivialities as the length of the working day, the
dynamics of international finance, deregulation/privatization, or
the struggles of the U.S. working class.

Your allegations of mass murder on the part of our heroes is
easily debunked.  First of all, there were many fewer than the
other guys.  Second, it was nothing personal.  Third, although
they were liquidated by the Party, the role of complex underlying
social forces must be understood.

Your ultra-rightist line will never attain hegemony here, where
Mao Tse-Tung thought is on the make.  And if you dare to
contradict this deep truth, I will post ever-more lengthy,
unreadable posts replete with socio-babble and Leninist jargon.
Be forewarned, the people are vigilant!

Benny from the Bronx

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