Hi Pen-l,

Well, I was at the Emergency Mobilization to End the War in Yugoslavia held 
June 5 in San Francisco and attended by about 5,000 people.  Compared with 
the WSWS commentary below on the June 5 anti-war demo in Washington, DC 
(both sponsored by Ramsey Clark's International Action Center [IAC]), the SF 
demo (preceded by a two-mile march up Market St.) was decidedly more focused 
on anti-imperialism.  Both demos, by the way, received no coverage in The 
Sacramento Bee, Northern California's leading daily newspaper.

Speakers in SF included: Gloria La Riva of the IAC, just back from a visit 
with Ramsey Clark to Yugoslavia in which she produced a video, "NATO 
Targets,"; Michael Parenti, who criticized "liberal" and "progressive" 
support for the US/NATO attack that's successfully destroying Yugoslavia's 
industry in response to global excess capacity; anti-imperialist polemics 
from American men and women of Serbian, African, Anglo, Puerto Rican, Romani 
and Greek backgrounds who, in part, connected the US/NATO aggression against 
the people of Yugoslavia to the US government attack on the American people 
(specifically those of color bearing the brunt of the prison-industrial 
complex, police brutality and welfare reform).

A few more observations about the SF demo.  Organized labor, historically 
pro-imperialist, was noticeably absent from the SF demo.
Also regrettable is the IAC's description as "pro-Serb" by some in the 
mainstream peace organizations.  Last and all to the good, there were many 
young people selling the IAC's book, "NATO in the Balkans." I highly 
recommended it to all on Pen-l.

Meanwhile, protests are continuing in Sacramento.  An anti-war demo is 
planned on Friday, June 11 in front of the Memorial Auditorium on 16th and J 
St. from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Seth Sandronsky

                    WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkan             

                    Washington march protests NATO
                    bombing of Yugoslavia

                    By Martin McLaughlin
                    9 June 1999

                    Use this version to print

                    Several thousand people
                    marched to the Pentagon last
                    Saturday to protest the continued
                    US bombing of Yugoslavia. The
                    demonstrators assembled near
                    the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
                    on the Mall in Washington, DC
                    and marched across Memorial
                    Bridge to the headquarters of the
                    US Department of Defense.

                    The demonstration was called by a number of peace,       
               anti-war and Serbian-American groups several weeks            
          ago, but took place one day after the announcement                 
     of the agreement by Yugoslav President Slobodan                     
Milosevic to bow to NATO's terms for calling off                      the 
bombing. This announcement undoubtedly cut                        attendance 
at the protest, and many of the                     announced speakers, 
including three US                                congressmen, failed to 
show up.

                    By far the largest attendance was from the               
       Serbian-American community.
                    Hundreds wore buttons proclaiming “Proud to be a         
              Serb,” carried Serbian flags or hand-lettered                  
    placards with slogans in Serbo-Croatian.
                    Several men wore T-shirts identifying themselves         
              as Serbian-American veterans of the US military,               
        and members of a Serbian-American branch of the                     
American Legion. At least four Serbian-Americans                      were 
among the dozens of speakers who addressed                       the crowd 
either before or after the march.

                    Mila Lazarevich-Nolan, representing United Serbs         
              of America, branded the US-NATO military action a              
        “war of deception, like Vietnam.” She said that                     
the Clinton administration was seeking to                             
“dismember a sovereign country in order to                            
establish an American hegemony in the Balkans.”                     Its goal 
was not peace, but capitulation.                             Ultimately, she 
warned, what remains of Serbia and                     Yugoslavia would face 
“dissolution backed by the                     full force of military 

                    Another Serbian speaker, playwright Nadia Tasic,         
              denounced the “US criminal government” and said                
      its goal was the colonization of the former
                    Yugoslavia. “Our children will remember America as       
               invisible monsters who tried to kill them from the            
          sky,” she said. “We are not an instant culture                     
like the US. We remember things for centuries. We                     will 
hate America for decades.” She said that the                     US bombing 
had destroyed more of the country's                     infrastructure in 
two months than the Nazis had
                    destroyed in four years.

                    The various political groups which co-sponsored          
              and organized the demonstration, led by Workers                
      World Party, a pro-Stalinist organization
                    which supports the Milosevic government and              
              portrays it as "socialist,"  made no effort to                 
     present an alternative to the Serb nationalist
                    perspective of many of those in attendance. Only         
              one or two speakers referred to the plight of the              
        Albanian refugees and only one criticized the
                    policies of Milosevic.

                    The political confusion which prevailed at the           
              march was expressed symbolically at the rally                  
        which began it, where one group of Serb veterans                     
milled about a large Vietnam War-era POW-MIA flag,                     while 
a few steps away a group of radicals set                        fire to an 
American flag. Ten feet from this scene                     a middle-aged 
woman carried a placard for the
                    presidential campaign of extreme-right-wing              
              Republican Patrick Buchanan.

                    The march organizers had agreed to have two              
              liberal black Democratic congresswomen, Cynthia                
        McKinney of Georgia and Barbara Lee of California,                   
   and one of the most right-wing Republicans, Ron                       
Paul of Texas, address the rally. None of them                        
actually attended or spoke. But one religious                     pacifist 
speaker, Thomas Fleming, hailed the                          prospect of 
uniting left and right against the                        bombing of 
Yugoslavia, which he described as “NATO                     killing 

                    Taken as a whole, the speeches of the various            
              radicals who came to the platform demonstrated the             
         continuing political decay of the organized
                    middle class “left” in the United States. Not a          
              single speaker of the half dozen or so from                    
  Workers World and its associated groups sought to
                    address the audience seriously, examine political        
              issues carefully, or educate anyone. Not one                   
   identified himself as a socialist, and only one
                    was introduced as a member of Workers World.             
              Instead, they posed as representatives of various              
        identity groups—blacks, women, gays,
                    Asian-Americans, etc.—and shouted a few demagogic        

                    Only one speaker actually examined the historical        
              issues underlying the war in the Balkans, former               
       Attorney General Ramsey Clark. He said that
                    Yugoslavia had been founded on the idea that all         
              people of southern Slav descent could live                     
together in peace, and he said that in the period
                    1945-1989 the region had enjoyed the greatest            
              peace and prosperity in its history.

                    He denounced US support for ethnic cleansing             
              against the Serbs in the Krajina region of                     
Croatia, citing the recent book by US diplomat                        
Richard Holbrooke which boasts of the expulsion of                     the 
Krajina Serbs. He said that US and European                     support for 
the breakaway of the constituent
                    republics of Yugoslavia, combined with the               
              policies of the International Monetary Fund, had               
       produced a disaster in the region.

                    Clark was particularly critical of the 1995 Dayton       
               Accords in Bosnia, which he said imposed an ethnic            
          segregation worse than Jim Crow or apartheid,                     
dividing the country into Serb, Croat and Muslim                      
enclaves that were completely separated. While the                     
United States seemed to be determined that the                     peoples 
of the region should not live together,                       Clark said, 
there was no alternative but the                          establishment of a 
new type of federation in the                     Balkans.

                    A delegation of members and supporters of the            
              Socialist Equality Party attended the                     
demonstration, campaigning with socialist                             
literature, including a leaflet on the agreement                      
announced last week in Belgrade.  SEP supporters                     sold 
more than 100 copies of a pamphlet version of                     the 
statement on the war issued by the World                          Socialist 
Web Site, “Why is NATO at war with                     Yugoslavia? World 
power, oil & gold."

                    See Also:
                    “The American government picks and chooses which         
             situation to
                    intervene in for its own economic interest”
                    Demonstrator at Washington march
                    [9 June 1999]
                    Why is NATO at war with Yugoslavia? World power,         
             oil and gold
                    Statement of the Editorial Board of the World            
          Socialist Web Site
                    [24 May 1999]

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