Paul, I stoped forwarded the messages from Sid because you were.  I
think that they are valuable and that many people are not on his list.
I would not forward all of them, but you are not either.


> Doug has complained, rightly, that he is being bombarded with
> multiple copies of Sid Shniad's postings, one copy of which I have
> been forwarding.  It appears that we are both on Sid's distribution
> list.  Now some of you have commented on how useful they are so
> I continued to forward them -- but in response to Doug's complaint I
> have decided not to forward any more.  People who would still like
> to see them, I would suggest they e-mail Sid and ask to be put on
> his distribution list.  His address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Paul Phillips,
> Economics,
> University of Manitoba

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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