Max, I think there are arguments for both average wages and CPI as
indexing options, but I would offer this argument for average wages: it
has the potential to become an international standard.  In thinking
about labor standards that might be pushed internationally, minimum
wages are central.  It is difficult to write a standard that would be
applicable in all countries -- even the standard of "meets minimum
subsistence needs" is difficult to define and measure.  But pegging the
minimum at, say, half the average is perfectly feasible, and low-wage
countries can't complain that it has a differential impact on them. 
Putting our own minimum wage system on this type of automatic pilot
would be a small step towards attaining a global minimum.


Max Sawicky wrote:
> Apologies for interrupting the anti-imperialist struggle,
> but I'd like to know if there are any thoughts here on
> how to best index the minimum wage.  Possibilities
> include the CPI, average wages, productivity, etc.
> Another issue is progressive tax cuts, to contrast
> with the proposed 15% across-the-board rate cuts
> being pushed by the GOP.
> (I'm writing economics resolutions for the ADA
> convention this week.)
> mbs

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