>Apologies for interrupting the anti-imperialist struggle,
>but I'd like to know if there are any thoughts here on
>how to best index the minimum wage.  Possibilities
>include the CPI, average wages, productivity, etc.

I would say productivity...

Which would subsume the inflationary component, I take it?
A question is whether there is some sufficiently simple,
'consensus' measure which could pass legislative muster.
Another problem is that if you give politicians a choice,
they will feel justified in commissioning a study and doing
nothing at all.

And I am seriously worried about marginal tax rates in the phase-out range
of the EITC...

We're working on that one too.  Should be out
at the end of the year, just in time for the
sweet loving embrace of Dem presidential

One of your fellow DoT alumni (jks) doesn't think
the phase-out has much effect.  For those who
make the decision to pursue a life of work,
I would think that by and large they are
looking past the phase-out range.  Course,
it wouldn't hurt to cut the marginal 'rate'
by increasing the credit.


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