My remarks had a very simple message. If Henry is going to accuse people on 
this list of racism, he had better back it up.

And stop copping out everytime by saying. "I am Chinese I can say anything I 
want with out being challenged." "Disagreeing with me is racism" or telling 
people to calm down after he has throwned a bundle of offensive accusations. 
So far as I have seen no one on this list has said one racist thing and 
Henry has refused to document his accusations.

So far as Mao Thought is concerned, it not a cultural difference. I know 
several people of chinese background who see all this crap about "our 
glorious leader" as being as ridiculous as it appears to western eyes. And 
it is not socialist no matter what language it is in.

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archives
Batoche Books

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