At 09:03 PM 6/22/99 -0700, Gene Coyle wrote:
>  There are two groups in the Bay Area pushing congestion pricing.  I don't
>think it is that clever.  the groups are the Environmental Defense Fund and
>the Union of Concerned Scientists  -- Berkeley office.  If we rely on
>congestion pricing, who is it that is going to drive?  And what do the rest
>do, without transit?

No doubt that congestion pricing alone will not do the trick, people will
just end paying more in tolls.  But neither will the development of public
transit alone.  You need both  - the push factor (higher cost) that will
wean people from their addiction to cars, and the pull factor (efficient
public transit) that will attract them to a more rational way of moving

That nothwithstanding, I think that the idea od using market ideology to
combat big business (like big auto industry or big utilities) is a clever
strategy of fighting the enemy with his own weapon.  Besides that, methinks
that this whole market-schmarket schmoozing is a religious mantra not
science - a bunch of crap that only panglossian sycophants and
ex-post-facto rationalizers in econ departments can find appealing.


Economist is a person providing the needed conclusions
to those in the position to pay for them.
   - John Kenneth Galbraith

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