At 10:35 AM 6/22/99 -0400, Doug Henwood wrote:
>Isn't there like zero popular support for mass transit in California? How
>can you push a policy, however humane and rational, that no one wants?

Au contraire, in 1990 after the "Big Quake" (Loma Prieta 1989) there was a
proposition on the referendum (I foreget the numnet but it must have been
in 120s) to increase funding for public transportation through levies on
car usage.  Auto industry opposed it tooth and nail and a st
ecounterbalance put their own "public transit alternative" - token funding
for public transit.  Guess what, bioth proposals passed.

I worked as a "consultant" for Santa Clara County Board of Surpervisors at
that time - and public support for public transit was quite substantial.


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