RELEASED TODAY:  The U.S. Import Price Index rose 0.7 percent in May.  The
increase, the third in a row, again was primarily attributable to increasing
petroleum prices.  The price index for U.S. exports was unchanged in May,
after increasing 0.3 percent in April. ...  

Major revisions in the government's standard occupational classification
system reflect a shift to a service-sector economy and to high-tech jobs,
according to an article in the May issue of the BLS "Monthly Labor Review."
The article, "Revising the Standard Occupational Classification System,"
discusses the proposed changes to the SOC system, which categorizes every
job in the United States.  When finally approved by the Office of Management
and Budget, all U.S. government agencies will use this system of classifying
occupations across all private industries and the public sector. ...  The
revisions should better reflect the structure of the current workforce, the
article says. ...  Laurie Salmon, a BLS economist and one of the article's
authors, says BLS plans to introduce a revised version of the SOC next week
on the BLS Web site.  These revisions will be mostly coding changes, she
said.  BLS economist Chester Levine and Census Bureau economist Daniel H.
Weinberg are co-authors of the article. ...  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor
Report, page A-3; complete article on page E-1).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Producer Price Indexes -- May 1999


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