When in public debates,  people try to promote "entrepreneurship" , urging only it as 
the best economc career for people to follow, I say but everybody can't be the boss. 
Somebody has to be the workers. In fact, most people must be workers. So 
entrepreneurship is a solution for only , what, 10 % ? What about the other 90% ? 
People get it.

Charles Brown

>>> Ellen Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/31/99 04:27PM >>>
RE: unemployment
I tell my students about an essay I read a few years back
(I think in Harpers and I don't recall who wrote it).  The writer
said imagine a dog kennel containing 100 dogs.  Each morning
the dogs are released into a large yard where there are 90
bones.  The dogs fight and scrape for the bones and at the
end of the day, 10 dogs are boneless.  The kennel operators,
unaware that there are more dogs than bones, notice that
it is the same dogs, day after day, who are boneless.  The
small dogs, the old dogs, the less aggressive dogs.  To deal with
the problem of chronic bonelessness, they begin a training program 
for boneless dogs, stressing tough love and individual initiative.  



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