Monday, August 30, 1999 


 Missing in Action: Media Images of Real Workers 

 By MATT WITT, Special to the Baltimore Sun

 As the Labor Day weekend approaches, we will see advertisements
 for back-to-school sales, reports on holiday traffic deaths and
 recipes for backyard barbecues. 
 What we won't see is much reporting on the lives of people who labor
 in the nation's offices, factories and service industries. There isn't much
 coverage of how jobs are changing in America or of the growing gap in
 wealth between those who do the work and those who profit from it. 

 Issues of work and class are largely invisible, not just on Labor Day
 but year-round. Rarely do we see stories exploring important questions
 facing working families. For example: 

 * Why is the average entry-level wage at least one-fifth less than it
 was 20 years ago, with starting pay declining even for new college

 * What business strategies are leading the shift to "contingent"
 labor--the part-time, temporary or subcontracted jobs that make up 30%
 of the work force? 

 * What has forced the average married couple to work 326 more
 hours a year than 20 years ago to maintain its buying power? 

 A study by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a liberal
 media-watchdog group, found that the evening news programs of CBS,
 ABC and NBC recently devoted only 2% of their total air time to
 workers' issues, including child care, the minimum wage, and workplace
 safety and health. 

 During a full year, the broadcasts reportedly spent a total of 13
 minutes on job safety and health, while an average of more than 16
 workers die daily from work-related injuries and more than 650,000
 annually suffer back, wrist or other injuries from poorly designed
 workstations and repetitive motion. 

 Although local television news shows are full of "how-to" consumer
 stories--how to find good eyeglasses, how to choose a baby-sitter, how to
 stay fit--they rarely give advice on problems at work. 

 Not only are work-related topics missing in the media, but so are
 workers. Studies of ABC's "Nightline" and PBS' "NewsHour With Jim
 Lehrer" found that almost all guests were corporate or government
 officials, politicians or professors, while fewer than 1% were non-elite
 workers or their representatives. A general examination of news reports
 in the New York Times and the Washington Post (or the Los Angeles
 Times) finds few sources who are workers or union representatives. 

 ABC reporter Sam Donaldson was candid in a magazine interview
 about the media's practice of turning mainly to the corporate and political
 elite for on-camera comment. "You can't come to me and say, 'Sam, I
 know you're on deadline, you need a comment on such and such, go out
 and take a chance on Mr. X.' No, I'm sorry, folks, I don't have time to
 take a chance on Mr. X." 

 Working people are also nearly invisible in television entertainment
 programming. Heads of households were working-class characters in only
 11% of prime-time network family series from 1946 to 1990, according to
 a study by Rider University professor Richard Butsch. 

 When working-class characters are shown, they often are portrayed
 as "dumb, immature, irresponsible or lacking in common sense," Butsch
 noted, referring to shows such as "The Honeymooners," "The Flintstones,"
 "All in the Family" and "The Simpsons." 

 Public television doesn't do much better, according to a study of two
 years of PBS prime-time programming by City University of New York's
 Committee for Cultural Studies. Only about one hour a month dealt with
 the lives and concerns of workers, while nearly 10 times that much time
 was spent on the upper classes. 

 A number of factors contribute to media bias on labor issues. 
 One is that the news media are owned by big corporations, with strong
 interests and opinions. NBC, for example, which might be expected to
 inform working people about international trade agreements that make it
 easier for U.S. corporations to exploit foreign workers in cheap-labor
 havens such as Mexico, is owned by General Electric--one of the
 companies practicing such exploitation. 

 A second factor is the influence of advertisers, who insist on a
 "positive environment" for their ads--meaning one free of controversial
 issues or opinions that clash with their corporate agendas. 

 A third is the class background of editors, producers and others who
 make decisions about media coverage. Many live like corporate officials
 and have little contact with working people. A Los Angeles Times survey
 found that 54% of newspaper editors said they generally took business'
 side in disputes with workers, while only 7% generally sided with
 employees--a contrast with polls that show most Americans generally side
 with workers. 

 A fourth consideration is that working people usually do not have the
 time, money or training to compete with corporate media-relations
 operations. Union workers have greater resources, but many labor
 organizations have only recently begun to use modern communications

 While these factors generally combine to produce media coverage that
 either ignores or is biased on work and class issues, some reporters have
 managed to overcome the obstacles. In recent months, the Los Angeles
 Times has published various articles that explore the causes of problems
 working people face. 

 One Times story looked at the shift to temporary work--what it means
 to workers, why employers are doing it, and how unions and other
 organizations are responding. Another article discussed the irony that
 some Catholic hospitals do not follow church teachings requiring respect
 for workers' freedom to unionize. 

 Imagine how public debate could change if such topics were given the
 same intense media attention given to crime (even as crime rates have
 dropped) or the Dow Jones stock average (although a broad majority of
 the population owns little or no stock). 

 Imagine if the news gave priority to the daily concerns of working
 Americans--on Labor Day and every day. 

 Matt Witt is a teacher at the American University School of
 Communication in Washington, D.C. 

 Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times All Rights Reserved 


Interestingly, this appeared not on the op-ed page but in the "Southern
California Living" section, what used to be the "women's pages" years ago.
The LA TIMES also didn't ask one of their own reporters to write it. 


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