At 04:35 PM 8/10/99 -0400, Charles Brown wrote:
>I believe your conclusion below is that we should do nothing about
fascistic racist groups, no ? Is this the line that the best way to respond
to such groups is to ignore them ?

Charles, they are boogie men not because they are not vicious, but because
they do not pose any serious threat to the political system inth eus (in
the way the nazis did in 1930 germany).  Despite their rhetorics - I do not
think that neo-nazi, religious right and other lunatic right groups are
about to take power or even gain any major influence in the us.  If that
wre about to hapen - you would see the whole hell breaking loose, FBI, CIA,
NSA - you name it - going after them.  

If you hear of the existence of such groups, it is because the powers that
be want you to hear about them, and direct your hatred in that direction.
They are the Orwellian 5-minutes of hate, a decoy designed to divert public
anger from real miscreants (mainstream politicos, corporate bosses, etc.).

I do not mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist - but diversion and
provocation are perhaps the oldest tricks on the book the powers that be
use to defuse discontent.

I'd rather see the Left collecting funds to buy political influence, rather
than engaging intotally futile theatrics of counter-demonstration against
nazi (or kindred) boogie men.

>Charles: I happen to have a paper on this. In fact and at law, the First
Amendment in U.S. history has protected KKK and Nazis and has very rarely
protected the Left. The first Supreme Court case (Schenck)on the First
Amendment was not until WWI when, in the famous opinion in which Justice
Holmes says the First Amendment does not protect crying "fire" falsely in
crowded theatre, Holmes decided that the First Amendment did not protect
the Socialist Charles Schenck from handing out leaflets opposing WWI as a
capitalist war in which workers were doing all of the dying. Schenck,
Eugene V. Debs and others went to prison unprotected by the First
Amendment. Then came the Palmer Raids in the early twenties against the
Communist Party, and a Communist Party member was jailed in _Whitney_
despite Justice Brandeis' opinon which was a paen to free speech. Great
words. Bad results. Then in the late 40's the whole leadership of the
Communist Party was not protected by the First Amendment ag!
>ainst Smith Act convictions. Even when the Communists were released from
jail the rationale was not such as to strike down the Smith Act as
>No fascistic racists have been convicted or unprotected by the First
Amendment that I have found.
>My point is that the left has not been protected by the First Amendment,
so the typical scenario that the Left will not be protected if the Right is
not protected is poor reasoning. In the history above, the Fascists were
protected throughout, but it did not result in the Left being protected.
So, the current period of grace for the Left is not dependent upon the
Fascists' protection.

Even if that is 100% true, that does not mean that the nazis run the show
in the us.  If anything, they are useful tools of th epowers that be from
time to time - like police dogs.  They may be unleashed on the crowd from
time to time and never punished for attacking humans, but that does not
mean they run police departments.  You do not attack police dogs, but
people who unleashed them.


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