Yes, their time would have been better spent denouncing that true proto-Hitler in 

But then if neo-Nazis in the U.S. are so harmless, who shot Rickie Byrdsong in 
Illinois ? The Boogie man ?  Took less than four people to blow up the Oklahoma City 
Federal Building. 

Charles Brown

>>> Max Sawicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/10/99 10:32AM >>>
          Nazis Lose Another Fuehrer In Wake of Cancelled Demo
.. . .

What a waste of effort.  A great fuss was made about this
march by the media and the city (the latter spending a
million or so for police mobilization).  Four nazi
demonstrators showed up.  Their leader, a pathetic
creature who changed his name to "David Wolfgang Hawke,"
has parents by the names of Hyman and Peggy Greenbaum.
A bunch of boojie politicians and clergy inveighed
against Nazism from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

In the 60's we had "peace crawls."  Now we have
boogie man marches.  The real miscreants get a
free ride.


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