
           The Internet Anti-Fascist: Sunday, 8 August 1999
                      Vol. 3, Numbers 62 (#311) 

          Nazis Lose Another Fuehrer In Wake of Cancelled Demo

The various forces who mobilized in Washington against the A.N.P. --
from the Jewish Defense League to the National Women's Rights
Organizing Coalition and the Revolutionary Workers League -- showed
once again that confronting fascists is the best way to defeat them.

The news reports and other material below lets us learn more about the
forces we're against, how they respond, and how to organize.

First, despite all the hoopla about "absolute free speech," the Jewish
Defense League was denied a permit for a counter-action. The D.C. Parks
Department cited the violent nature of both the JDL and the Nazis. To
say this, however true, implies that there is a hierarchy of absolutism
where speech is concerned, with the Nazis placed at the top. If the
threat of violence could lawfully permit Washington to deny a permit to
the JDL, citing past violence, it could certainly permit the same
denial -- citing the Holocaust -- for Nazis.

Second, the counter-action showed how demoralizing defeats can be. The
head of the A.N.P. resigned immediately! This is similar to the
psychological process that cost the National Alliance its lead internet
organizers after the defeat of <rec.music.white-power> news group.

This shows the fallacy of the argument that the fascists are "only out
for attention" and that the best tactic to defeat them is to avoid
confronting them. "Please do not go to give credibility to the
incredible," was how Washington's Congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes
Norton put it.

The "attention" argument is more advertising jingle and it ignores one
key fact from history: the fascists are out to kill, not simply to bask
in the celebrity of publicity.

Giving them lots of "attention" does not build their organizations: it
causes the leaders to run away.

Third, there is no limit to the ability of pro-fascist propagandists
to rewrite history, whether decades or hours old. White American Voice
wrote of the "victory" in the cancelled march, implying that the
fascist cancellation was because of improper action by the D.C. police
instead of fascist cowardice.


                    D.W. Hawke via <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                               7 Aug 99

In early July of last year, when our Party first began its serious
development and expansion, I made a promise to the world, and to
myself, that I would step down as Leader after one year if our goals
had not been achieved. I pledged to build a Party of several thousand
members in the shortest possible time and in so doing become a national
political force.  The Party has failed to achieve the standards that I
set forth one year ago, and as a man of honor I must therefore resign
my position as Leader and Party Chairman.

There will be much speculation as to why we have not achieved our
goals, whether the cause is white apathy, persecution from our enemies,
or simply an unworkable political climate.  I will leave the
speculation to sharper minds, while the rest of this announcement will
merely detail the unpleasant facts of our current situation and the
ways in which our goals have not been met.  

First and foremost, we are facing bankruptcy.  For the past several
weeks, I have been unable, in good conscience, to accept membership
dues from new members.  We have little to send them, as our funding is
virtually nonexistent despite the huge numbers of people in America who
have heard about us; despite the thousands of names on our email list;
despite the nearly one thousand Associate Members; despite the
desperate desire for change that so many comrades have expressed to me.

Out of the tens of thousands of white men and women who believe in our
struggle, I will never understand why so few actually make an effort to
help the Party.  It is not enough to want a better world; you have to
work for it and make sacrifices.  A Party cannot survive on good
intentions alone; it takes a bit more than that. It takes committment. 

After one year, we remain a fledgling outfit along with almost every
other white power organization.  I wanted something different; I wanted
a national political force to represent the white people of this
country, and of the world.  And white citizens throughout the nation
can't claim that they haven't heard of us; we've been on every major
news network and featured in several national magazines, reaching close
to 200 million Americans.

And yet, our Regional Office has one phone line, I use an outdated and
barely functional computer system, and we have no funds to publish a
new issue of our magazine.  Out of those hundreds of millions of white
Americans who have heard of us, I'll never quite understand why at
least a few them, a small percentage, don't take an active interest in
promoting the interests of the White Race.  But I'll leave that
question to the speculators and those who specialize in intrigue.  

Most of you who subscribe to this email list have communicated to me,
through your inaction, that you would rather I become a hobbyist Nazi
instead of a true political activist. Recently I have been forced to
put in full-time hours doing civilian work in order to put food on the
table, as I've sunk my entire personal savings into the Party over the
past year. But I am not a hobbyist, and this is not a game to me.  If I
can't dedicate each and every day to the Party, then I feel that
continuing as Leader would constitute a betrayal not only to the
members, but to the white Race itself.    

Funding hasn't been the only problem.  When I began active recruitment
for the Party one year ago, I realized that for many months I would
have to do almost everything.

Centralization was important, and I felt myself to be most qualified to
run the website, develope the propaganda, consult with the media, and
perform the hundreds of other essential Party functions.  As time
passed, however, the Party grew much larger and those duties increased
proportionately.  With the increase of hundreds of new members, I
assumed that at least a few of those comrades would help me with some
of the more important tasks of running the Party.  I was wrong.  Up
until now, I have done virtually everything from propaganda to website
programming to publishing our magazine, in addition to answering the
200-300 emails I recieve each day and publishing the People's Forum.  I
am a Leader, but I am not a Superman. Since no one has stepped forward
to assume any of these duties, the Party has gotten too large for one
man to do everything.

I've found one other developement very disturbing. Most people who
visit the site like our Swastika pendants that we sell, and we recieve
dozens of orders for them each week.  Yet, less than half that many
full members sign up during the same amount of time.  Many comrades are
much more interested in purchasing a pretty, shiny pendant with a
swastika on it than participating in a National Socialist political
Movement.  To me, that is the ultimate hypocrisy, and I've reached the
end of the line in toleration.  

Some will call me "defeatest", but that is most certainly not the
truth.  I haven't given up on the white Race, but as a man of honor I
cannot continue as Leader when so few of our goals have been reached
and prospects for the near future look bleak.  I will return to the
racial struggle in  the future, but not until I am absolutely confident
that the goals I set can be reached.  At this point in time our Party
should have a publishing department consisting of a publishing house
with at least a dozen permanent staffers, a real headquarters rather
than a trailer, an SS training camp WITH SS Officers living on it (an
empty camp isn't much use), a team of full-time professional
webmasters, and at least several permanent secretarial assistants. We
don't have anything like that because there is no committment and
determination on the part of white Americans at this time.  It's just
that simple.    

If I could snap my fingers and make the world right, I would do it. 
But I'm not a miracle worker, and it's going to take more than article
contributions to the People's Forum  to win this war.    

Some will accuse me of being a poor leader, or bring up the "greenbaum
info" as the cause of my resignation, or claim that my lack of
experience in the Movement is the cause of it all.  Well, I don't see
any other white power leaders or groups achieving much more success.
For example, an Aryan Nations rally was recently held in Couer D'Alene
Idaho.  Pastor Richard Butler, a man I admire very much, has been
active in the racist struggle for decades.  Yet, he was only able to
muster 150 men and women at his event.  After dedicating his life to
the Movement for thirty years, only 150 of his supporters were willing
to make a real committment and be there when it counts. Think about
what that means, and you can draw your own conclusions about the
attitude of not only the average American citizens, but also about the
White Power movement itself.  

Someone needs to give us all a wake-up call.  Things aren't going to
get better because we turn on the computer and write a fancy email to
the People's Forum.  You can't bring about change through words, but
only through actions. God helps those who help themselves; if white men
and women refuse to take a stand and live up to their cultural
heritage, then we're doomed as a people.  Victory is not magically
written into our Destiny simply because we are the superior race; if we
want victory, then we ourselves must fight for it.  

Many of you are probably wondering about the March on Washington.

Simply put, it began and ended in disaster.  Out of 1600 people on our
mailing list, out of the tens of thousands of white power comrades who
knew about it, and out of the hundreds of individuals who promised to
be there on August 7th, only 4 - yes, FOUR - of our members showed up. 
Whether through laziness, cowardice, or lack of committment, almost all
of you have let down the Party and the white race itself.

Excuses are not wanted or needed. Only actions count.
Before I leave you with one final thought, I'd like to extend my thanks
and appreciation to the few true comrades who actually made an effort
to attend our March:

Doc O'Dell
Leon and Marinda Hart
Mike S. from Minnesota

They are true white patriots.

The website will be down within a few days, as I could not afford to
make the monthly payment to keep it operational. At that time, my email
will no longer be functional.

I encourage all of you to join other white power organizations,
particularly the National Alliance or the Aryan Nations. Hopefully they
can perform a miracle that I obviously could not.

  --  D.W. Hawke



                Police Boost Forces for Neo-Nazi March
                     Sewell Chan (Washington Post)
                               7 Aug 99

Police officials said yesterday they are bracing for a neo-Nazi march
and crowds of counter-demonstrators this afternoon and will flood the
area around Pennsylvania Avenue NW and Lafayette Square with officers.

Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey said in an interview that 86 percent of
all D.C. police would be on duty today to keep order. The American
Nationalist Party, which also calls itself the Knights of Freedom, has
received police and National Park Service permits to march down
Pennsylvania Avenue and then rally across the street from the White

Officers' schedules were shifted so that police could put a maximum
presence on the street. "We changed days off so we would minimize any
overtime," Ramsey said.

An extra 1,450 officers will be stationed in the area between 15th and
22nd streets NW and F and K streets NW, said Executive Assistant Police
Chief Terrance W. Gainer, who is coordinating D.C. police preparations.

"We have a number of officers who will be lining and guarding the
parade route and Lafayette Park and nearly an equal number dispersed
through businesses and hotels to make sure people remain calm," Gainer
said. "By super-saturating this area, we hope to have a calming effect,
so everybody can exercise their rights and not get nuts about it."

An ad hoc coalition called D.C. United to Stop the Nazis is planning to
meet the neo-Nazi group at James Monroe Park, at 20th and I streets NW,
the planned start of the march. Shalom International, a Florida-based
Jewish activist group, is planning to meet the group at the march's
terminus at Lafayette Square.

A coalition of civil rights groups, including the Latino Civil Rights
Center, the American Jewish Committee and the NAACP, is planning a
peaceful "respect rally" on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Cheryl
Kravitz, director of the National Conference for Community and Justice
of the national capital area, a rally sponsor, said that Del. Eleanor
Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) will be the master of ceremonies of the event
and that Mayor Anthony A. Williams is scheduled to speak.

The Jewish Defense League, a controversial activist group based in Los
Angeles, announced yesterday its plans to join counter-demonstrators in
confronting the neo-Nazi group. Bill Maniaci, a spokesman and security
chief for the league, said the group was denied a Park Service permit
to hold a counter-demonstration at Lafayette Square but said members
planned to confront the neo-Nazi group anyway.

Maniaci said league members would try to impede directly the parade's
route, as members did at two similar white-supremacist rallies in Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho, earlier this month.

In a letter denying the Jewish Defense League's application, the
National Park Service cited the crowds expected along the route of the

"Due to the volatile views of the Knights, we anticipate potential
violence from counter-demonstrations who intend to 'stop' the Knights
demonstration," the Park Service wrote. "Indeed, violence has occurred
at past white-supremacists' demonstrations. And at our meeting today,
we appreciate your candor that in your efforts to stop the Knights, you
may disobey police directions, disregard police barriers and occupy the
park or streets reserved under permit to the Knights."

Rick Merryman, the Park Service's permit chief, said Lafayette Square
would be closed from 6 a.m. today for security reasons. 

                               - - - - -

                     Neo-Nazis march on Washington
                            UPI (no author)
                               7 Aug 99

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Barricades and riot squads blocked the streets of
Washington between Monroe Park and Lafayette Square as  members of the
neo-Nazi American Nationalist Party -- also known as the Knights of
Freedom -- prepared to march the route. 

Some 1,500 extra police officers were on the streets this afternoon  
in preparation for the 3 p.m. EDT demonstration, which is expected to 
end at Lafayette Square, the park adjoining the White House. 

The racists have received the required parade permits from the  
National Park Service and Washington police. Counter-demonstrations are 
planned at both ends of the route, and a peaceful rally at the Lincoln 
Memorial, some 10 blocks southwest of Lafayette Square, has been 
announced to coincide with the neo-Nazi march. 

Washington Mayor Anthony A. Williams and District of Colombia  
Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton are scheduled to speak at the Lincoln 
Memorial rally, which was organized by a consortium of civil rights 
organizations including the NAACP, the Latino Civil Rights Center and 
the American Jewish Committee. 

The controversial Jewish Defense League requested and was denied a  
permit to stage a counter-demonstration at the end of the route, due to 
the aggressive nature of the JDL and the violent character of the neo- 
Nazis. Violence broke out between the JDL and the neo-Nazis at recent 
rallies in Idaho. 

Square was closed to the public at 6 a.m. EDT. By 2 p.m., the route  
was filling with curious spectators and fuming Washington residents. 
Police equipped with shields and batons blocked streets from 22nd
Street  NW and K Street NW to 15th Street NW and F Street NW. Metal
barricades  stretched across the pavement and SWAT teams and federal
police scoured  alleys and parking garages along the route. 

Security is already high around the White House and surrounding  
federal buildings because of the anniversary of the U.S. embassy 
bombings in Africa last year and unspecified threats said to be from 
Osama bin Laden, the Saudi militant accused of terrorism against U.S. 

                               - - - - -

                      Neo-Nazis give up, go home
                            UPI (no author)
                               7 Aug 99
WASHINGTON D.C. -- Hundreds of counter-demonstrators, riot police and
federal agents were ready for a march by the neo-Nazi  American
Nationalist Party, but when only four of the avowed racists  showed up
and the march was canceled, relief quickly turned into anger. 

"I spoke with the mayor and I told him that he should sue them," D.  
C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey said of the neo-Nazis. "I wouldn't be
surprised if we spent a million bucks on this." 

Asked what the city should go after in damages, considering the  
generally poor finances of such organizations, Ramsey said, "I'll take 
their gym shoes, their computer, I'll take whatever the hell they got."

"They canceled it themselves," Officer Quintin Peterson, a D.C.  
police spokesman, told United Press International. "They thought they 
didn't have enough people." 

Barricades and riot squads blocked the streets between Monroe Park  
and Lafayette Square in anticipation of the march by members of the 
American Nationalist Party -- also known as the Knights of Freedom.  

Ramsey said the neo-Nazi leaders told city officials to expect  
"between 100 and 150 marchers." 

Some 1,500 police officers -- which Ramsey said was 86 percent of the  
force -- were on the streets in advance of the march, which was
expected  to end at Lafayette Square, the park adjacent to the White

Hundreds of counter-demonstrators rallied at both ends of the route  
and at the Lincoln Memorial, but the neo-Nazis apparently lost their 
steam at a staging area 15 minutes from the route's starting point. One 
officer said, "They mulled around for a few minutes and then got in 
their cars and drove away." 

The organization had received the required parade permits from the  
National Park Service and Washington police, but Ramsey said the fact 
only a handful of would-be marchers showed up means a permit should not 
be granted should the group request one in the future. 

"I think we'll have sufficient grounds to deny them a permit,"   Ramsey

After the march was canceled, Ramsey said he would start sending his  
officers home and "let them finish their shift in their own

Mayor Anthony A. Williams and District of Columbia congressional  
delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton spoke at the Lincoln Memorial rally, 
which was organized by a consortium of civil rights organizations 
including the NAACP, the Latino Civil Rights Center and the American 
Jewish Committee. 

The Jewish Defense League requested and was denied a permit to stage  
a counter-demonstration at the end of the route. The Park Service said 
it denied the permit because of the aggressive nature of the JDL and
the  violent character of the neo-Nazis. Violence broke out between the
JDL  and the neo-Nazis at recent rallies in Idaho. 

Lafayette Square was closed to the public at 6 a.m. By 2 p.m., the  
route had filled with curious spectators, fuming Washington residents 
and a handful of young skinheads apparently in support of the neo-

Police equipped with shields and batons blocked streets from 22nd  
Street NW and K Street NW to 15th Street NW and F Street NW. Metal 
barricades stretched across the pavement and SWAT teams and federal 
police scoured alleys and parking garages along the route. 

After the march was canceled shortly after the 3 p.m. scheduled start  
time, the barricades came down and people began filtering home. Just an 
hour later, the route was back to normal for a summer weekend: empty 
streets and scattered tourists strolling around the White House. 

A pair of heavily tattooed skinheads walking down H Street was  
overhead complaining about the lack of action. "This was stupid," the 
taller one told his partner as they passed a stack of metal barricades.

                                - - - - -

                   Counter-rally denounces neo-Nazis
                            UPI (no author)
                               7 Aug 99
WASHINGTON D.C. -- More than 300 Washington residents, activists, and
curious tourists gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to  celebrate racial
diversity as a counter-rally to a neo-Nazi march that  never

Mayor Anthony Williams told the crowd: "The event across town is a  
chilling reminder that there are still among us individuals and groups 
who wish to spread hatred in our community." 

"As long as these groups exist, as long as they labor to subvert our  
democratic values, we will speak up and speak out," Williams said. 

Ten prominent civil rights organizations, including the NAACP and the  
American Jewish Committee, sponsored the rally, and more than 30 local 
organizations joined the demonstration. 

Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia's delegate in  
Congress, urged the crowd not to confront the Nazi marchers gathered 
"Please do not go to give credibility to the incredible," she said.  
"If you want to see the ugliest in America go home and see it on TV."

Rally participant Henry Guyot, member of the All Souls Church in  
Washington, joined others in holding a sign than called for racial and 
cultural respect. Guyot said it was important for community members and 
activists to speak out in the face of racial hatred. 

"Being silent in the face of objectionable behavior contributes to  
it," he said. "I wish to lend a little weight in the opposite 

The rally took on a celebratory tone as it closed. Participants sang  
spiritual songs to Native American drumming and danced a traditional 
Jewish wedding jig, the hora. 

Downtown, police were out in force to prevent any violence. But only  
four would-be marchers showed up and the march was canceled. 

                              - - - - -      

                 White Victory in Canceled D.C. March
                   White American Voice (no author)
                               7 Jul 99

WASHINGTON D.C. -- What is being called a "triumph over hate" by
enemies of the White Race has boiled down to a twist of fate for White
Nationalists everywhere.

When only 4 members from the online American Nationalist Party, better
known as the Knights of Freedom, showed up to march in D.C., droves of
Jewish and Negro agitators cheered a victory as they failed to see the
the loss they were part of.
It was a loss to the government who foolishly spent over 1 million tax-
payer dollars to police a group of American citizens and try to silence
their voice of freedom. However, these citizens never showed. Now with
wasted money and man-power (which could have been spent on REAL
criminals) on their hands, the D.C. police chief will try to cover his
own arse by trying to sue the American Nationalist Party. With the
American Nationalist Party, who's assets do not even amount to 1% of
the total amount spent by the government this Saturday, the case will
be a loss from the beginning, wasting even more tax dollars trying to
prosecute the group.

This event just goes to show what foolish peeves the people of the
Zionist government in America have become and brings even more light to
their true nature-the sycophant tyrants they truly are.

                               - - - - -

                      Neo-Nazis Bow Out of March 
    Sylvia Moreno, Spencer S. Hsu and Sewell Chan (Washington Post)    
                           8 Aug 99

Almost 1,500 police officers in riot gear along Pennsylvania Avenue.
Hymns and invocations to "stop racism now" at the Lincoln Memorial.
Raucous demonstrators at Lafayette Square carrying signs and speaking
out against the growth of white supremacist groups in the United

Everybody showed up yesterday. Except for the instigators: the American
Nationalist Party, a k a the Knights of Freedom, a self-styled neo-Nazi

The group, which applied for the permits to march down Pennsylvania
Avenue and to rally in front of the White House as part of an "anti-
government protest," told D.C. police to expect 150 to 300
demonstrators. Only four showed up at a staging area prepared by
police, and they decided to call off the march. 

"I'm not surprised," said Hyman Greenbaum, the father of the group's
leader, Davis Wolfgang Hawke, a 20-year-old South Carolina college

City officials weren't so blase. 

Chief Charles H. Ramsey immediately announced he would urge the
District to explore suing Hawke and his followers for the million-
dollar-plus cost of deploying 1,450 D.C. police officers for the march
in addition to 1,100 on regular duty. 

About 300 U.S. Park Police officers also patrolled the area, backed by
Secret Service and Federal Protective Service agents from as far away
as New York. Police cordoned off a 20-square-block area around the
White House and Lafayette Square in preparation for the march. 

"They decided, at the location where we were going to pick them up and
transport them down here by bus, to call off the march," Ramsey,
dressed in a helmet and carrying a riot baton, told a crowd of
reporters at 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. "Only a couple
showed up. They immediately determined they weren't going to go through
with it." 

Police could not say whether Hawke was among the group. Attempts to
reach Hawke yesterday by telephone were unsuccessful. 

Jeff Krause, executive vice president of the American Nationalist
Party, said the march was canceled because huge counter-demonstrations
were planned and because "the media worked this thing up into a

"We did not want any of our people hurt," he said. 

Because the media was to blame, Krause said, a suit against the group
would be unfair. 

Nine years ago, a Ku Klux Klan march in the District erupted into
violence when protesters pelted the marchers with rocks. Fourteen
people, including eight police officers, were hurt, and 40 were
arrested. In light of that incident, police officials said they had no
regrets about the massive deployment of officers yesterday. 

David C. Friedman, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League,
said the cancellation of the march was "in many ways, a predictable

"A group that has existed largely as a student-run operation out of a
dorm room and a Web site -- it's not surprising they did this," said
Friedman, who helped organize a "respect rally" at the Lincoln Memorial
for racial and religious tolerance. "I think the city should take a
hard look at seeking to recover the costs expended in the police
protection required." 

The American Nationalist Party was founded in 1996 and has about 150
members, many recruited through Hawke's Web site, according to the
Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremist groups. 

Upon hearing of the cancellation of the march, a massing of anti-Nazi
and anti-racist groups led by D.C. United to Stop the Nazis, gathered
at the northern edge of Lafayette Square, turned spontaneously into a
victory celebration. 

"Ho, ho, ho, the Nazis didn't show!" a group of 200 college-aged
students chanted, as some blew whistles and banged on tin drums and
plastic barrels. 

On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, about an hour before the neo-Nazi
march was officially canceled, several hundred people gathered at the
"respect rally" to the evoke the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr., who gave voice to the nation's civil rights movement. 

Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D) noted that yesterday's march was
scheduled nearly 36 years to the month after the 1963 March on
Washington when King told the world of his dream of an America free
from the troubles of racial inequality. 

"That dream cannot be reserved for those who live in opportunity,"
Williams said. "That dream belongs to everyone." 

The mayor said he recently received an e-mail from someone saying he
shouldn't describe the neo-Nazi organizers as ignorant. His response:
"This is an ignorant, stupid, foolish group!" 

"No ragtag band of pitiful, disconnected people can overwhelm the human
rights unity our nation has finally, if painfully, achieved," Del.
Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) told the throng of people who gathered
under a piercing sun. "We've worked too hard, come too far. Hatred is
just plain un-American." 

In the end, the marchers never even materialized. Williams said late
yesterday: "I am not disappointed that the planned neo-Nazi march was
called off in our city today. There is no place in the District of
Columbia for the racist, antisemitic, hateful messages expounded by
groups such as this." 

In a telephone interview last week from her suburban Boston home,
Hawke's mother, Peggy Greenbaum, predicted neither her son -- who
legally changed his name to Davis Wolfgang Hawke from Andrew Britt
Greenbaum before he entered college three years ago -- nor his group
would follow through with the march. 

"I can't imagine Britt going down there," she said, using her son's
former nickname. "Number one, he is a chicken. I don't like to say that
about my own son, but he is a chicken." 

                               * * * * *

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