>>> Wojtek Sokolowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/16/99 05:34PM >>>
At 04:21 PM 8/16/99 -0400, Chareles wrote:
>Charles:  Why is it do you think that the way you tell it "consciousness"
is not corresponding to "structure"  ?  Are you saying this "perfect soical
control" is exercised through "structure" and not "consciousness" ? Let me
get this straight. Are you saying that mass consciousness has progressed,
but the structure has gone backward ? If so, since activists can't directly
change "structure" (or can they), do we just sit on our hands and wait for
the structure to change itself , like a big clock winding on, mechanically,
automatically, inevitably ? Is the revolution an entirely objective
process, with no role for the subjective factors ?

>Charles: I'm joking about the past. But do you really think the
"structure" never goes backwards and it is all an inevitable, straightline
forward march and progress ? Or are there periods of reaction, zig zags ?

It think it's a zig zag.  I also think that the structural conditions for
mobilization for a collective action deteriorated quite considerably as
compared, say, to the civil rights era.  Main reasons: residential pattern
and comparmentalization of society through id politics. 


Charles: OK. However, the residential pattern was very unequal and segregated by class 
and race in 1949. I am not sure that that "structure" has worsened in the last 50 
years, and it has not improved as much as "advertised" by the "home of the free" 

Also, compartimentalization of society through id politics sounds like "consciousness" 
to me. I thought your were discussing "structure". How is id politics "structural" and 
not "consciousness" ? 



 I also think that
general consciousness improved a little bit comparing to 50 years ago in
the sense that open bigotry is not acceptable as it used to be.  This is
far from a "revolutionary" consciousness - more along the "kinder and
gentler nation" lines.


Charles: This is a real one of those "yes and no"  type things. You are correct that 
overt , open bigotry was made inappropriate , impolite and somewhat illicit by the 
Civil Rights movment ,i.e. reform movement. But the Reaganite counter-reform movement 
did not confront this directly, but rather got around it by being racist in actions 
but saying explictly that it is not. And in fact, the Reaganite counter reform went so 
far as to say the main problem of raciism today is the problem of Blacks being racist 
against Whites in "reverse discrimination" . This is the line of both the KKK and the 
U.S. Supreme Courts ( white and black robe wearers agree on this). Anti-affirmative 
action is a main aspect of this. Thus, Reaganite counterreform has reversed the Civil 
Right reform effectively. The structure has been reversed to the equivalent of what it 
was 50 years ago. The racist consciousness that accompanies this new racist structrure 
is different in form , but not in content from the!
 racist conscisousness of 50 years ago. In this regard , structure and consciousness 
coincide. The signal characteristic of Reaganite racism is white supremacy that denies 
it is white supremacy, unlike Jim Crow which proudly and openly declared for white 
supremacy. Reaganite racism like all Reaganism  is Big Brotherism and doublespeak:  
Racism is equality, Star Wars is  peace, What's old is new again (old funky 
Americanism from 1920 personified in Ronnie Reagan is new again), etc.

>Charles: These things are more in the public discourse today than you are
allowing. Read these lists. After being so definitely refuted in the past,
their return and existence today is in a way more outrageous than in 1949.

Nothing got "definitely refuted." 


Charles: Oh yes it did. 


These ideas were not kosher for some
time, mainly because of their hitler connection - but the idea of
differential moral worth of different groups of people have never been
refuted - it is the backbone of academic hierarchies and meritorcacies,
more american than baseball and apple pie. 


Charles: Biological racism got definitely and overwhelmingly refuted in public in the 
American academy. This was part of the Civil Rights movement reform. 

That is not the same as all hierarchies being refuted. Why would anti-racism refute 
meritocracy , in principle ? Phony meritocracy there is plenty of , I know. 
Meritocracy is not entirely reputiated by the left.


I am suprised that the
intellectual commodity manufacring - so eager to please the yuppies
yearning for the "being unique and special" status has not used the racits
bigotry more openly as they did in the past (cf. S.J. Gould _Mismeasure of
man_) - i view it as a sign of modern progress and civility.

Charles: Reaganism uses non-open , closed, secret racism while denying openly that it 
is racist and even saying Blacks and other people of color are the main racists. This 
is why open racism is not used as much. But the racism is creeping into the open, as 
with _The Bell Curve_.

>Charles: I don't know, there was a study posted on LBO-list saying 45% of
academic social scientists and other academics thought biological race had
something to do with the differences between Blacks and Whites. In a way,
that that could be so high today is more outrageous than in 1949.

see above

>Charles: You must not being living in the same America that I am. In the
Reaganite counter-reform publically stigmatizing social and ethnic groups
while denying one is doiing it is all the rave.

But they do not stigmatize in the same way as they used to - they
stigmatize sub-groups, not entire groups.
There is a big difference between saying (1) "blacks/latinos/polacks/_____
are lazy, anti-social blah blah blah"  and (2)
"blacks/latinos/polacks/_____ on welfare are lazy, anti social, blah, blah,
blah."  The first one clearly implies innate inferiority (the backbone of
"old" racism) - since the whole biologically defined group is affected by
the purported description.  The second one does not, because it implies
that not all members of the group in question are lazy and anti-social,
only some of them.  I see it as a certain progress from those blatantly
expressed 50+ years ago (again, cf. Gould _Mismeasure of Man_).


Charles: I don't think most of today's racist consciousnesses are this fine in their 
logic of stigmatization,  especially since the whole scheme is riddled with 
irrationality. The "biology" of it is a mishmash in most people's heads , because they 
have a minimum understanding of biology anyway ( and getting less and less: see recent 
decision in Kansas to make evolution not a necessary teaching in high school biology; 
talk about devolving consicousness).  So, they still just vaguely get the sense that 
Black people are "essentially " ( biologically, morally, innately, culturally, 
whatever) inferior to White people. After all the irrational thought chains, that is 
what America keeps generating as the bottomline, from 1600 to 2000. As a matter of 
fact, it is part of the mode of production, the division of labor of all of capitaism 
as a world and historical system.

>And as you say, anyway, deeds (structure) are becoming less equal. The
words (consciousness) seems a sort of Orwellian coverup of reality.  
>Charles Brown

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