Rod Hay wrote:

> Relations between what? If individuals are the results of relations, what is
> relating? A mere form without content? "Full of sound and fury signifying
> nothing"


There are no "individuals" Rod, only subjects. Think about your own
'individuality'. Who are you? Your own ego is associated with your name, which
was given to you by others, and you learnt what it means only in the relations
with those others. Your nationality, your gender, your race, your ethnicity, you
being a son, a father, a brother, a husband, etc. etc. are all nothing but
various relationships that define your so-called individuality to yourself. If
you think that there is somewhere a pure you, independent of all these
relations, then try finding that pure self and let us know who it is and how is
it significant to anybody else. First of all, I would suggest, try to see if
your pure self is a 'Man' or a 'Woman'?

> Rod:
> It is hard to argue against a philosophy that no one believes in enough to
> act upon it. Everyone believes in the theory of the human will. The burden
> of proof is on those who would deny it. Explain consciousness as the result
> of relations, or as the result of material processes. No one else has done
> it.


This is nothing but an example of bad rhetoric. How come I'm not a part of your
"everybody"? Most of the scientists don't believe in "a theory of human will",
as far as i know. And what is it by the way? The burden of proof must be on
those who claim that something exists. If I claim that ghosts don't exist, then
the other party has the burden to come up with some evidence to show that they
do exist. You are the other party in this game, Rod. Cheers, ajit sinha

> Rod Hay
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> Batoche Books
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