Friends rally to repulse attack on Edward Said 

Julian Borger in Washington

The Guardian, Monday August 23, 1999

The credibility of one of the best known torch-bearers for the Palestinian
cause, Professor Edward Said, came under fierce assault over the weekend
after he was accused by an American Jewish magazine of falsifying his
account of his early years to portray himself as a refugee.

An article in a small right-wing periodical, Commentary, said Prof Said grew
up in a wealthy household in Cairo, and challenged the US-based writer's
claims that his family was driven out of Jerusalem by Jewish forces in 1947.

The article has stirred fierce emotions, because Prof Said is a
well-respected and widely quoted Palestinian voice in the US media, which
Arabs contend is dominated by the powerful pro-Israeli lobby. Much of his
writing dwells on the experience of exile, both his own and his fellow

Prof Said is a central figure in the continuing struggle over western
opinion between Arabs and Jews. The articulate Palestinian scholar is one of
the few Palestinian voices to carry weight in US intellectual and media

Much of the moral power of his arguments, spelt out in a series of books and
countless articles on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, rests on the
depiction of Palestinians as neglected refugees from their homeland.

His evocation of his own experience of exile has led many of his readers in
the west to see him as the embodiment of the Palestinian tragedy.

The author of the Commentary article, Justus Reid Weiner, a scholar in
residence at the Jerusalem centre for public affairs, alleged that Prof Said
"has served up - and consciously encouraged others to serve up - a wildly 
distorted version of the truth, made up in equal parts of outright deception
 and of artful obfuscations".

Prof Said, who teaches literature at Columbia university in New York, was
reported to be travelling in Europe yesterday, but his friends denounced the
attack as baseless and politically motivated. 

They insisted that the Said family, including the 12-year-old Edward, left
Jerusalem in 1947 when it became too dangerous to remain in the crossfire
between Arabs and Jews over the city's future. Christopher Hitchens, a 
US-based British journalist and a Said family friend, said: "There's no
question. The Saids decided to go because life was made hard for them. It
became difficult and dangerous for him to go to school."

Prof Said has never denied having spent some of his childhood in Egypt, and
that his father was a well-to-do Palestinian who carried a US passport. 

In his 1994 book, the Politics of Dispossession, he wrote: "I was born in
Jerusalem in late 1935, and I grew up there and in Egypt and Lebanon; most 
of my family - dispossessed and displaced from Palestine in 1947 and 1948  -
had ended up mostly in Jordan and Lebanon."

Another friend, Israel Shahak - who is a Holocaust survivor and an Israeli
human rights activist - said: "Commentary is a monthly of the most rightwing
Jewish views, and the most conservative views in America, so I  am not
surprised by this attack."

Mr Shahak said that the argument over how the Said family left did not
affect Prof Said's status as a refugee. "This is like saying the Jews who
escaped from Germany before the war were not kicked out," Mr Shahak argued.
"The main argument is that they were prevented from returning to their land.
This is what it is about."

Mr Weiner said in his article that there was no evidence to support Prof
Said's recollection of attending St George's school in Jerusalem. 

But Mr Hitchens said that he had discussed his friend's schooldays with 
teachers and Anglican clerics from the school, who remembered the young
Edward Said well.

"I know he was there," Mr Hitchens said. "The Anglican community spoke of
Edward as a valuable member."

A powerful voice for his people

Edward W Said has written a series of books arguing for the rights of
Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories.

These include The Question of Palestine (1979) and The Politics of
Dispossession (1994). He is known as a stern critic of the Oslo peace
process begun in 1993, arguing that it sold short the right of Palestinian
refugees to return to their homes. He also opposes the Oslo formula of
carving a Palestinian entity out of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, arguing
instead for the creation of one state, in which Arabs and Jews would have
equal rights. He is a professor of English and comparative literature at
Columbia university in New York. He has also taught at Harvard, Johns
Hopkins and Yale universities in the United States.

Although he is severely ill with a form of leukaemia, he continues to travel
and lecture in the Middle East and Europe.

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