Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> Another way to look at Hidden Injuries of Class is how racism helps many
> whites accept sacrifices on the job, in that racism helps them translate
> such sacrifices into the notion of (racialized) "dignity" of paid
> employment. This is a clear example of how racism does domage to whites
> themselves. The starting point of dialogue has to be to ask who benefits
> from such a notion of "dignity," why anyone has to make sacrifices.


> That said, it was and is not inevitable that class antagonism gets deformed
> into a racist form. All workers make sacrifices on the job (and in fact
> black workers generally make bigger sacrifices than whites under the same
> employers), but not all workers translate such resentment into racism and
> the scapegoating of blacks on welfare.

yes, again.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 916-898-5321

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