At 03:04 PM 9/29/99 -0400, Barkley Rosser wrote:
>     Minor point.  You grew up in the Second World,
>even if it is no more.   Hey, without a Second World
>there can be no Third World.

Technically true.  Although imho the second/third world distinction is more
racist than Blaut & Co. make of the first world.  Although Soviet block
countries are on a par with many  developing countries of Latin America and
Asia, as  far as GDP-related measures are concerned - Eastern European
intellectuals do not want to be put in the same category as "banana
republics" and they highly resent being considered 'third world' (that was
even noted by Janine Wedell in her _Collision and Collusion: The Strange
Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe_).  So calling them third world gives
me a pleasure usually associated with profanation of nationalistic altars.


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