At 11:04 14/09/99 +0530, you wrote:
>Rod Hay wrote:
>> Globalisation is a fact that lefties have to deal with. It is futile to
>> oppose it. Chris is pointing in the right direction but he is point at the
>> wrong path. Capitalism may have some room for progressive action. There are
>> still feudal institutional remnants around the world. But it is not the
>> place of leftist to cheer the progress of capitalism. Or to worry about the
>> institutional arrangements of international financial regulators. It is the
>> place of leftist to champion the rights of workers. To insist that workers
>> have their rights inforced, that everyone has enough to eat, that health
>> care be available to those who need it, that good free education be
>> available, etc., etc., etc. It is this opposition that will build socialism
>> not an uncritical promotion of elite institutional reform. World government
>> is of interest only because it helps break down national barriers to the
>> self-organisation of the working classes of the world.
>Rod, Will this world government allow workers from all over the world to move
>freely and work where ever they please? Free mobility of the workers of the
>world would be first and foremost opposed by the workers of the 1st world.
>Cheers, ajit sinha

This not so little problem is indeed a consequence of Rod Hay's strictly
economist approach to world financial institutions.

Chris Burford


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