Call your rep and ask them to press the State Department to say what they are doing to 
win Allan's release and guarantee his safety.

>> U.S. Journalist Detained in E.Timor
>>Tuesday, September 14, 1999; 6:16 a.m. EDT
>>JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- A U.S. journalist who has long accused Indonesia
>>of human rights abuses in East Timor was detained today by security forces
>>in the provincial capital.
>>``The embassy has been informed that he has been detained and that the
>>military and police are questioning him,'' said John Vance, a U.S. Embassy
>>Allan Nairn writes for the New York-based Nation magazine. He has been
>>deported from Indonesia twice for his reports about the army's brutal
>>treatment of the people of East Timor, which Indonesia invaded in 1975.
>>Nairn, of New York City, was detained while investigating the damage
>>inflicted on Dili by Indonesian troops and the militias they support
>>following a U.N.-supervised Aug. 30 referendum on independence.
>>While being taken under armed escort from a military base to a police
>>compound, Nairn telephoned Essential Information, a Washington-based
>>nonprofit group founded by consumer advocate Ralph Nader.
>>John Richard, a member of the group, said Nairn identified Indonesian army
>>officers who questioned him, including Maj. Gen. Kiki Syahnakai, chief of
>>the security operation in the province.
>>Nairn has reported extensively on the Indonesian army's brutal special
>>forces unit, known as Kopassus, which has been blamed by U.N. and other
>>international observers for orchestrating much of the violence unleashed in
>>East Timor over the past two weeks.
>>© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Preamble Center
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phone: 202-265-3263 x277
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