These remind me of a story my uncle Irvin Chrisjohn used to tell about the 
first Iroquois to encounter an European.  The European pulled out an axe 
and chopped down a good-sized tree in a few minutes.  The Iroquois was duly 
impressed, since the felling was accomplished much more quickly than was 
possible with stone axes (also, proper tree felling had a ceremonial aspect 
that required more time).  The European held up the axe and said: "This is 
a superior technology, given to us by the Creator because we are his chosen 
people.  The Creator smiles upon us, giving us dominion over the world and 
the creatures of the world, including other peoples.  We are willing to 
share this technology with you, as long as you acknowledge our superior 
relation to the Creator, our domination of the land, and the priority of 
our status over you."  The Iroquois thought for a second and replied: "I'll 
take the axe, thanks, but you can keep the bullshit."


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