As one willing to have his mind changed by superior argument, regardless of
its geographical source, what would be the principled Marxist response to
the problems of East Timor? I am sufficiently familiar with the awful
history, and recognise the culpability, complicity, duplicity, involvement,
etc., of the Western powers. What I want to know is, what is to be done
given the present conjuncture?

Elementary.  The progressive role for East Timorese
is to serve as martyrs to Euro-centric "marxist" (sic)
ideology.  God forbid that some of them were actually
rescued by the UN, or even worse, by an imperialist nation.
It would lend undeserved credit to liberal capitalism
and/or social democracy, confuse the people, and
retard the Struggle.  Hey, waiter!  Where the hell
is my latte mocha?



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