Louis Proyect wrote:

> Jim Devine:
> >But I'd like to know why you think that the Solidarity group violated
> >Marxist principles in their position on E. Timor. I believe that they back
> >the principle of the right of self-determination of nations, including the
> >independence of E. Timor. They just have a different interpretation of the
> >efficacy of the UN in helping E. Timor achieve achieve this goal than I do
> >(or you do). That is, it's a disagreement concerning fact rather than
> >principle.
> The United Nations, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union, is a
> instrument to promote imperialist hegemony.

I agree -- and that is why in my post on this target I expressed extreme
displeasure at Solidarity's stand on East Timor (or that part of it which
represents or implies a distorted view of the United Nations). But Jim
is I think right that it is a mistake of fact, not principle, which was why
I called it a wrong application of marxist principle.

I think the point worth worrying a little bit, because it bears on our thinking

as to the fundamental principles of organization and policy on which the
marxist left may some day unite. For my own part, I begin to see unity
around opposition to all u.s. intervention around the world as fundamental,
but I think we can fight that out without pronouncing it an issue of "marxist
principle." Your reply to Jim is (I think) wholly right in its description of
the U.N. -- but doesn't touch on the actual point Jim made (re fact vs.

U.S. imperialism at the present time the main enemy of the world's peoples.
That is my judgment, but I don't want to make it a matter of "marxist vs


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