> Ricardo,
>      I think we would be more inclined to fall at
> your feet in fawning admiration if you did not
> keep giving us major bloopers like this last one
> about large mammals.
>       Last time I checked there still are elephants
> in Asia.
> Barkley Rosser
Where do you get the nerve to talk about "bloopers" when each one of 
your interventions/criticisms of my position has ended with a 
correction on my part? Was it a (pseudo) Freudian slip? It is well 
known that Australia/New Guinea, and the Americas were full of big 
mammals, but around 17,000 to 12,000 years ago (in the Americas) they 
disappeared, which so happens to have been the period when humans 
migrated into that area. The same goes for Australia and Siberia: big 
mammals there (as indicated by dating of fossil remains) disappeared 
as humans arrived there.  Africa today has the 
largest concentration of big mammals, because such animals there had 
the fortune of adapting to a less effective, proto-human hunter, as 
it evolved into homo sapiens.

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