G'day Penpals,

The Indonesian army has drafted a new internal security law, has put its
very best into the national capital, and has done all any Indonesian could
ever expect of its self-annointed champions.

And today a couple of thousand students were just too resolute for it.

Those scrawny students know an aspiring junta when they see one.  And I
reckon they're not gonna let it happen.  They had a win today, and they're
not going to forget what it tastes like.  They're doin' it for themselves
in a political culture that has tried to teach them for half a century that
they have nothing to do with these things.  Today it killed  four of their
number in a vain attempt to make the point.  A lot of the PRD's membership
and a lot of Ambonese, Acehian, West Irianese and Kalimantese dissidents
might yet live long lives because of these young folk.

Which makes it a Marxist enough response for me.  Give me a compradorial
liberal democrat before an opportunistic uniformed murderer every time!

Good on ya, Djakarta!

Cheers, Rob.

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