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  September 22, 1999     Issue Brief #134

  Social Investment and the Budget Debate

  by Jeff Faux and Max Sawicky

  Budget politics in America have become a two-legged stool. While
  congressional Republicans and administration Democrats argue
  over the size of tax cuts and debt reduction, the third leg of budget
  policy – social investment – remains too short, imperiling future
  economic and social stability. Indeed, the recent 10-year budget
  plans advanced by the leadership of both parties would require
  substantial cuts in public investment and social services in order to
  finance tax cuts. But however this year’s budget is patched together,
  both sides’ proposals signal an intention to continue with the
  “unbalanced” budget priorities of the past 20 years.

  Surplus illusions
  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has projected total budget
  surpluses of $2,896 billion over the next decade, of which $1,899
  billion will come from the expected surplus in the “off-budget” Social
  Security program, and $997 billion will come from “on-budget”
  revenues and programs (Table 1). Both sides have proposed to
  lock up the projected Social Security surplus by using it to pay down
  the national debt, thus precluding a debate on using that surplus for
  public investment or other purposes.

  It is widely assumed that the non-Social Security surplus is available
  for tax cuts, new spending, or even further deficit reduction. But
  where would that $997 billion surplus really come from? The source
  of more than 90% of that surplus actually comes from plans to
  reduce the current level of federal government services, ranging
  from meat and poultry inspection to educating children in Head

  Part of the confusion lies in the misleading use by both Congress
  and the Clinton Administration of spending numbers automatically
  “capped” by the provisions of the 1997 budget agreement. These
  numbers, which appear as “baselines” in the budget documents, do
  not represent a stable level of funding but rather reductions in real
  spending below what is necessary to maintain the current level of
  public services.

  The “current services” budget shown in Table 2 displays a more
  realistic estimate of spending needed to keep programs operating
  at their 1999 levels. It is a conservative estimate in that it reflects
  only expected price changes and not population growth or the
  increased public investments in human and physical capital needed
  to support future growth in a more competitive global economy.

  As Table 2 shows, within the discretionary spending category,
  nondefense spending absorbs virtually all of the proposed
  reductions – the Clinton 10-year budget proposes a slight increase
  in military spending over current levels, while the Republican’s
  budget proposes a slightly lower level. In either case, it is
  nondefense spending that will be cut.

  Over the 10-year period in question, the Republican budget would
  reduce nondefense discretionary spending by 20.1% overall, with
  the cuts reaching almost 28.6% by fiscal year 2009. The Clinton
  budget also cuts the nondefense discretionary budget, by almost
  12.8% in 2009 and over 6.4% overall for the decade. To complicate
  matters, the Clinton budget proposal assumes that some domestic
  spending can be maintained with a series of “offsets” (e.g.,
  superfund tax increase, takeback of tobacco tax revenues from
  states, increased user fees), whose passage is at best
  problematic. If those offsets are denied by Congress, and the
  spending therefore correspondingly reduced, the cuts in current
  services in Clinton’s budget could be as much as 50% higher than
  the overall 6.4% projected.

  Table 2 shows that the difference between the “capped” and the
  current services budget is $595 billion over 10 years. But, as the
  Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has pointed out, the shortfall
  is actually much greater for two reasons. First, there will be higher
  interest costs associated with the higher spending needed to close
  the gap. Second, the shortfall is greater as a result of the pattern in
  the 1990s of not budgeting for necessary programs (e.g., the
  Census), which then get funded as emergencies. These and other
  items could add roughly another $290 billion to the gap between the
  CBO projections and the money needed to maintain current
  services, eating up almost 90% of the projected non-Social Security
  surplus. [1]

  Shrinking social investments
  Since the exact composition of discretionary spending cuts is
  decided in the annual appropriations process, it is not yet certain
  where the cuts will be made. Clinton’s Office of Management and
  Budget (OMB), however, has provided some clues. In August 1999,
  the OMB estimated that the Republican budget, which calls for a tax
  cut of $792 billion over 10 years, would require a 50% cut in an
  array of specific nondefense discretionary programs by 2009 if
  applied across the board. [2] Among other assumptions, the OMB
  assumes that the GOP defense spending projections would have to
  match its own. The results are shown in the first column of Table 3.

  But the Clinton Administration is also proposing program cuts,
  which officials have stated come to 13% of nondefense
  discretionary spending by 2009. [3] The second column in Table 3
  shows the results of applying the OMB’s across-the-board spending
  formula to the 13% spending cut implied by Clinton’s budget.

  Thus, where the Republican proposal drops 430,000 children from
  Head Start, the Clinton budget drops 111,800. Where the
  Republican budget reduces the number of students in low-income
  school districts receiving aid by 5.9 million, the Clinton budget
  reduces it by 1.5 million. Where the Republican budget will result in
  4,200 fewer meat inspectors, the Clinton budget leads to 1,092

  These projections are an indication of the priorities of both the
  Republican Congress and a Democratic White House. Domestic
  investment programs – education and training, physical
  infrastructure, and research and development – presently make up
  26% of discretionary spending. Real spending for these areas has
  dropped from 2.6% to 1.6% of GDP in the 20 years up to 1998. The
  Republican proposal, and to a lesser extent the Democratic one,
  imply a readiness to reduce such investments even further,
  widening the shortfall in what the nation needs to sustain long-term
  economic growth.

  The impracticality of the caps on discretionary spending is painfully
  obvious in the current struggle over FY2000 spending. To avoid
  appearing to exceed the caps, Congress has considered an
  assortment of devious accounting procedures, including the
  classification of certain kinds of routine spending as “emergencies,”
  attributing outlays to fiscal year 1999 or 2001, and adding an extra
  “13th” month to the fiscal year. The practical shortcoming of this
  jerry-rigged approach is that any reasoned consideration of
  long-term spending will be inordinately difficult. Instead, gimmicks
  facilitate eleventh-hour political deals and close out the budgetary
  process. Discretionary spending is reduced to a political grab-bag
  instead of an instrument for necessary policies.

  In early 1998, the Economic Policy Institute identified a minimum
  gap of more than $65 billion between spending needs and
  spending levels in three domestic investment areas alone, reflecting
  the steady erosion of spending in recent years. [4] The realities of
  these gaps can be seen in dilapidated and overcrowded schools,
  inadequate training programs, jammed transportation systems, and
  reduced civilian research and development spending. The
  investment gap is understated in that it does not include spending
  on public health, low-income housing, and environmental protection,
  which also support future growth.

  The cost of neglecting public investment will be paid in one way or
  another. If not now, then in the future – at a higher price and resulting
  in lower living standards.

  Public opinion of national needs
  Ironically, despite the conventional wisdom that government
  spending on such investments and social needs is not popular, the
  polls taken during the current budget debate have consistently
  shown a preference for spending on education, health, and other
  specific national needs over a tax cut. [5]

  For example, an ABC/Washington Post poll [6] conducted at the
  beginning of September asked: “Which of these do you think should
  be the top priority for any surplus money in the federal budget – cut
  federal income taxes, put it toward reducing the national debt,
  strengthen the Social Security system, or increase spending on
  other domestic programs such as education or health care?” The
  poll yielded the following results:

  Education/Health 37%
  Social Security 29%
  Reduce Debt 19%
  Cut Taxes 14%
  No Opinion 1%

  It is time for Washington to catch up with the people. The 1997
  budget agreement, with its artificial straightjacket on public
  spending, has not fostered a better public debate over national
  priorities. Instead, it has given a cover of fiscal respectability to the
  notion that social investments are expendable

  This fall’s desperate search by congressional leaders for tricks and
  gimmicks in order to fit the budget into caps that are too tight
  illustrates a problem that will only grow worse. Not only are
  important investments shortchanged, but the quality of health,
  education, environmental protection, and other programs is
  undermined by the constant uncertainty of funding.

  Congress and the president should scrap these obviously
  unworkable caps and install a budget process that treats public
  spending as a means of improving the nation’s human, physical,
  and research and development assets, treating them as capital
  investments that would be fiscally irresponsible to neglect. Until they
  adopt this approach, the budget, like a two-legged stool, will not be


  1. Elkin, Sam and Robert Greenstein. 1999. Much of the Projected
  Non-Social Security Surplus Is a Mirage: Vast Majority of Surplus
  Rests on Assumptions of Deep Cuts in Domestic Programs That
  Are Unlikely to Occur. Washington, D.C.: Center on Budget and
  Policy Priorities.

  2. Office of Management and Budget. 1999. Programmatic
  Impacts in FY 2009 of the Republican Tax Cut.

  3. In a report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  entitled Beyond the Rhetoric: What the Clinton Budget and the
  Republican Budget Plan Really Propose for Appropriated
  Programs (1999), James Horney and Robert Greenstein state: “In
  recent days, administration officials have acknowledged their plan
  includes a 13% reduction in nondefense discretionary spending by
  FY2009, compared to today’s levels adjusted for inflation. Their
  proposal does not represent new or additional spending.”

  EPI has independently confirmed the 13% estimate with
  administration officials. Table 3 extrapolates the administration’s
  number to its own budget proposal, based on a 50/13 ratio. In other
  words, if a 50% cut means a reduction of X, then a 13% cut means
  a reduction of 26% of X (13/50).

  4. Baker, Dean. 1998. The Public Investment Deficit: Two
  Decades of Neglect Threaten 21st Century Economy. Briefing
  Paper. Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute.

  5. Teixeira, Ruy. 1999. Washington's Deaf Ear: Public Opinion and
  the National Budget Debate. Issue Brief. Washington, D.C.:
  Economic Policy Institute.

  6. ABC/Washington Post poll, August 30-September 2, 1999.

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