> Sam writes: 
> > I agree but the post-WWII order was to a great extent planned by U.S.&
> >UK government officials. These plans made it quite clear that the third
> >world was to be used for its raw materials and cheap labor, that third
> >world economies were to be subordinated to the core. The social and
> >economic structures of third world have been shaped by the needs of the
> >core economies, both consciously and unconsciously. The post-WWII
> >imperialist  plans, to a great degree, have been realized. I think
> >Chomsky, Kolko, Mark Curtis and Bruce Cumings have done the best work
> >showing the nature and extent of government planning for imperialist
> >order.

Long time ago I was reading Henry Wallace's diaries or autobiography,
can't remember which, and was struck by his testimony to the fact that
the U.S. Gov was planning the post-war period before they had landed at


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