The plot sickens ...

Wiranto has apparently given notice that he may resign after army day
(October 5) and join the presidential race (to be concluded in November).
He will, of course, keep his job as Minister for Defence.  A lot of
Indonesians are for it if the west doesn't shore up the Habibie/Megawati
'transition' options here and now by accepting their invitations to go in,
save some lives, make the idea of a truly civilian presidency look
credible, and take the initiative from the uniforms.  Of course, now that
Wiranto has gone for it, he may feel moved to shore himself up by
presenting a foreign (especially decisively white) intervention as an
assault on Indonesian sovereignty - which would split the population,
'necessitate' nationwide martial control, and kick up some useful
belligerent fear and loathing.

But that's all so much wind, I think.  Things are turning out just as our
betters had it in mind for them to turn out ...


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