Yes, one of those honest statements that slips out now and again.

To press it a little further, using the old Marxist metphor, the U.S. government 
-Presidency, including The Treasury, Congress, Judiciary, Military - is still sort of 
the executive controlled by the Board of Directors (central committee) of the 
Dictatorship of Transnational Bourgeoisie.  The U.S. economic policy (off shore and 
on)  is not aimed at the best interests of the American People in their tens of 
millions or even the federal top bureaucrats, but the maximum profits for the owners 
of big private property. 

Can there be any doubt ? The U.S/IMF top bureaucrats, Clinton, the Treasury Secretary, 
Cadmusses (spelling) are not the actual rulers , but top servants of the rulers, 
aren't they ? "Who"  is the ruling class, "The Board of Directors of the whole World" 
? I know conspiracy theory is not favored, but the "system" is not like an mechanical 
object at the top. There are people there commanding anonymously, aren't there ?  It's 
not Morgan's ghost running things on automatic.

I don't know what we can do about it. But I refuse to be naive.

Charles Brown

>>> Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/14/99 12:14PM >>>
Charles Brown wrote:

>But doesn't the central committee of the dictatorship of the 
>bourgeoisie sit above both the IMF and its member governments, 
>really , anyway ?
>"Who" is the IMF ?

"The IMF is a toy of the United States to pursue its economic policy 
offshore." - MIT econ prof Rudi Dornbusch (the same guy who said that 
the upside of the Asian crisis was that Korea became a wholly owned 
subsidiary of the U.S. Treasury)


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