At 01:33 13/09/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I will resist the temptation to flame.
>My comments were based in part on my own experience.  As pennelers know, I am
>one of the last people on this list who would be described as a "ghetto
>leftist/marxist".  And I have long been involved in many projects of a
>reformist nature, where I have worked side-by-side with mainstream
>economists.  But I'm not the issue.

Nothing personal was intended at all. I was commenting on the theme in
general, and rather agreed with your points. 

>The real point is that it doesn't matter whether one practices this or that
>style of political economy.  The forces at work are structural, as I tried to
>make clear, and broadly exclusionary.

I read your points as saying among other things that leftists have to get
more papers published. For this  topics have to be taken up that are
topical and which can be illuminated from a marxist point of view even if
not too stridently. Reform and perspectives in the world financial system
should be one such subject. No?

Chris Burford


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