Call your Rep and ask them to co-sponsor the Kucinich Bill, which would 
force the IMF to close ESAF and cancel all debt owed to it by HIPC countries 
and Haiti as a condition of receiving any resources from the U.S. or from 
gold sales.


Jubilee South

29 September 1999

Rep. Dennis Kucinich
U.S. House of Representatives

Dear Mr. Kucinich:

On behalf of my colleagues in Jubilee South and in the member Jubilee 2000 
campaigns in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, I would 
like to convey to you our support for your, Rep. Jim Saxton's and others' 
efforts to delink debt cancellation from the required implementation of IMF 
structural adjustment programs.

The effective imposition of these policies on our countries by the IMF, the 
World Bank and the other international financial institutions has had a 
devastating impact not only on large segments of our population and on our 
natural environments but also on our national productive capacities and on 
our societies generally. Poverty-reduction programs, including those 
presently being considered in the discussions on ESAF reform, are woefully 
inadequate to address these problems. It is the adjustment policies 
themselves, as the cause of our social, economic and financial crises, that 
must be addressed.

Hence, we reject those initiatives that condition debt relief on adoption by 
our governments of IMF and Bank policies and commend you again for bringing 
this critical issue to the attention of your colleagues.


Lidy Nacpil
Member, Convening Committee

c/o Freedom from Debt Coalition, The Philippines

Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Preamble Center
1737 21st NW
Washington, DC 20009
phone: 202-265-3263 x277
fax:   202-265-3647

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