I would like to ask a few Brenner related questions, questions dealing
with his recent NLR piece (economics of global turbulence) on the world
economy rather than his work on the historical origins of capitalism.  

First, while I have seen many references to the book, TURBULENCE IN THE
GLOBAL ECONOMY, I have also been told that it is not yet out and it will
differ from the NLR piece.  Does anyone have any information on when the
book will be out and how it will differ from the article?  

Second, as has been widely pointed out, Brenner focuses on capitalist
competition as the primary cause of capitalism's post 1970s profit squeeze
and growth slowdown.  To what extent is the global merger movement a
response to this competition and how successful do people think this
movement will be in regaining control over markets and overproduction.
Would we look to price movements as an indicator of MNC success?  

Third, how should we understand the WTO in light of this analysis and the
current instabilities and crises.  Assuming that the worst comes true, we
get the MAI, the Government Procurement Agreement, etc., will this
intensify competition and thus tensions, or will it enable MNCs to stamp
out contenders and consolidate their strategic position?  Any thoughts
greatly appreciated.  

Marty Hart-Landsberg

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