
Cuba doesn't qualify as a country that is dominated by world capitalism.
Nor is it really one of the poorer countries if you consider life
expectancy, education, and the like.

I agree with Louis about the relative meaninglessness of comparing GDPs in
the Third world. Back in Papa Doc's Haiti, for a time GDP was rising
extremely quickly because he decreed that it should. (Which reminds me that
Trujillo once decided that his country didn't have a big enough population
so they held another ccensus and lo! the population more or less doubled.)
Colombia's GDP was shooting skyward in the 60s and that country was lauded
as the shining example of development in Latin America -- what a laugh.

I don't have the time to debate this issue of
development-stasis-underdevelopment with you just now, and, anyway, we'd
never agree.


Jim Blaut   

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